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Wednesday, 26 August 2009 15:00


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This position paper (adopted in September 1999) on the unemployment situation, summarises the key points from a number of Church documents.

The evangelistic witness will also speak to the structures of this world; its economic, political and social institutions...We must re-learn the patristic lesson that the Church is the mouth and voice of the poor and the oppressed in the presence of the powers that be. "Ecumenical convictions on mission and evangelism" in BRIA I (ed.) Go forth in peace: Orthodox perspectives on mission Geneva: WCC 1986 page 78, quoting Confessing Christ today, pages 10 and 13.

We cannot accept a situation which excludes large numbers from full participation in the life of their own country...There are commentators who would tell us that a long-term pool of unemployed is good for the economy. We cannot accept that. (Australian Catholic Bishops Conference - taken from its statement on unemployment in 1991)

...the laws of supply and demand, and all the rest of the excuses by which those who stand on firm ground salve their conscience when they let their brother sink...often enough are responsible for his disaster. Coffin ships are a direct result of the wretched policy of non-interference with the legitimate operations of commerce (William Booth)

 A COVENANT FOR EMPLOYMENT - A position paper of the NCCA - September 1999

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