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NCCA Statements

NCCA Statements (6)

Wednesday, 26 August 2009 15:15


Written by

Message from the National Council of Churches in Australia
(Adopted by the Executive of the NCCA at its meeting in June 2003)

In a world so full of fear and distrust, it is timely that Social Justice Sunday 2003 addresses issues of racism.

Christians believe that all human beings are created in the image of God. In Jesus Christ the divisions that separate people from each other are broken down - people are reconciled and a new unity is created among us.

Racism separates us from God and from each other and is incompatible with the Christian gospel. Together with Christians all over the world, we affirm that racism is a sin.

It is a sad fact that racism has been part of Australia's history. It is evident in the life of individuals, communities and churches, and in government policies. Responses to recent events throughout the world indicate that we have not rid ourselves of the racism which has defined so much of our history. Racism has always been a form of violence, damaging the lives of those who experience it and violating their human rights.

In seeking to understand how racism works we need to listen to the experiences of others and reflect on differing perspectives. We need to consider what is happening to Indigenous Australians, how authentic our multicultural identity really is, the assumptions that underlie our resort to warfare in recent times, and the lack of safety which people of some religious and ethnic groups experience everyday. We need to examine what is happening in sport, the workplace, politics, the media and in our own congregations and churches.

While racism may at times be subtle and well disguised, it is always a powerful force of oppression and injustice. We condemn the continuing racism in our country which is evident in the behaviour of individuals and communities and which is still evident in our churches. We condemn the racism which is hidden in the systems and structures of our society.

We believe that the cultural and racial diversity in Australia today is a reflection of God's gift of diversity in creation. It is to be treasured and nurtured, regarded as a blessing for us all.

We call for racial justice - an acknowledgement in word and deed that all people are created equal and that the lives of all people are equally valuable. We seek a community in which strangers are welcomed and differences are celebrated; we seek a society where the systems, structures and policies of governments and institutions are racially inclusive; and we seek a country in which all people are valued and can worship according to their own faith tradition.

We encourage members of our churches to use the opportunity provided by Social Justice Sunday 2003 to reflect on our own lives and the lives of our churches; to seek God's transformation of our lives and healing of our communities; and to work for racial justice so that we may be faithful agents of God's transforming mission in our society.


Wednesday, 26 August 2009 15:13


Written by


Statement released 10 September 2003

The peak body representing most of Australia's Churches, the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) today urged the Australian Government to demonstrate serious commitment in tackling the unacceptable level of poverty in Australia.

The NCCA is calling for a national strategy to eliminate poverty in Australia.

The President of the Council, the Revd Professor James Haire said, "Thirteen percent (2.4 million) of Australians have insufficient money to cover the basic costs of food, clothing and shelter.

"This is a tragic figure for our nation.

"We urge the government to take a leadership role by making the issue of poverty reduction a first order priority for the nation.

"It is time to take politics out of poverty, and bring all state and territory governments together in a partnership and produce a national strategy for poverty elimination in Australia.

"So the NCCA calls on the Australian government to exercise leadership in governing for the benefit of all Australians ensuring that individual, families and communities have access to the social opportunities and basic goods required to participate fully in every day life.

"We believe it is paramount that poverty indicators and targets to measure the effectiveness of strategies to improve the well being of the poorest groups be put in place. (See background notes below)


NCCA Poverty Background Notes


· Poverty is having insufficient resources to meet one's basic needs as well as having insufficient resources to participate in the community in which one lives.
· Poverty means not only having a low income, but also being unable to access or having limited access to essential services such as education, health and welfare, being unable to actively participate in decision-making affecting one's own life, and being marginalised out of mainstream society. The experience of exclusion, the sense of difference, and the loss of control and capacity to create one's future are some of the threads that link financial hardship and low material well-being to personal and social well-being.
· Poverty may be viewed as ‘capacity deprivation' (Amartya Sen) - a lack of freedom to develop to one's potential.


· The Church considers the world is a community in which all members are responsible for each other and the strongest have a special responsibility for the vulnerable. Christianity teaches that all humanity will be judged by its attitude to neighbours, visitors and strangers. This attitude should be marked by solidarity, compassion, generosity and love. Christians believe that Australians should show concern for the suffering because Christ first loved us (1 John 4:11).
· Christian beliefs share with the human rights tradition a concern for the well-being of all people and recognition of the dignity of the human person, and also the compassion and care required to seek the fulfilment of that well-being.
· The Australian churches believe that a society in which there are substantial inequalities is bad for all Australians. This belief arises from our Christian understanding that one person's pain or suffering diminishes us all.


-To be poor is to be vulnerable - eg unexpected illness or expense can be disastrous.
· For people living in poverty, both access to education and educational outcomes are likely to be less favourable
· Groups particularly vulnerable to poverty include:
o Ageing
o Those living in rural and remote areas and other ‘disadvantaged' areas
o Long-term unemployed and underemployed
o Migrants and refugees
o Indigenous peoples
o People with long-term illness (including mental illness) or disability
o Sole parents
o People leaving prison
o Refugees and asylum seekers
o Working poor
o Homeless...


· Almost 90 000 low-income Australians are paying more than 50% of their income in rent (1) .
· Over 702 000 Australian households spend more than 30% of their income on housing (ie 10% of households)(2) .
· There has been a significant decline in real terms in Federal and State government's investment in public housing (3) .
· There is currently a national shortage of 150 000 units of affordable housing - contributing to the number of homeless Australians (4).
· According to the last census data published in 1999, there were approx. 105 300 people experiencing homelessness on census night - only 12% were using the service system that is dedicated to homelessness - that is SAAP (Supported Accommodation Assistance Program)(5) .


· There is a widening gap between rich and poor Australians. The wealthiest 10% of households hold 45% of the wealth whilst half of Australia's households own only 7% of the nation's wealth(6) ; the top 20% receive 50% of total income, whilst the bottom 20% earn 5% (7).
· There is a marked and growing divide between families that are ‘work rich', with two parents in paid employment, and those families which are ‘work poor', with no parent in paid employment or only having part-time employment.
· Not just income level but employment, workplace, housing, environment, transport, medical services and opportunities for children are all important to take into account when inequality is analysed(8) .
· Evidence shows that societies with a substantial social and economic distance between members exhibit lower overall levels of health and well-being than societies where these differences are less pronounced. These socio-economic differences show up particularly starkly in the health outcomes of poorer sections of populations. This so-called ‘gradient effect' applies not only to physical and mental health but also for a wide range of other developmental outcomes, including behavioural adjustment and literacy and numeracy levels(9).
· Inequality also undermines social cohesion.


· The Smith Family estimates that 15% of Australian children - 750 000 - are living in poverty (10).
· More than this, 850 000 children are living in families where no adult has a paid job (11).
· Other estimates of child poverty include:
· 17.9% (12)
· The UNICEF Report on child poverty identified 17% of Australian children as living below the poverty line (this rate places Australia fifth highest among the 25 industrialised nations considered in the report)(13).
· Poverty exacts a heavy toll on children and families. We now know that early intervention reduces the negative impact of poverty on children's intellectual and emotional development over the whole of their life.
· The experience of poverty from an early age combined with low educational attainment and limited opportunity for social inclusion can also impair a person's ability to understand how systems work, influencing their capacity for decision making and sense of control over their own lives.
· Lack of education contributes to entrenchment of inequality across generations (14).
· Children are our country's greatest resource - we cannot afford to deny them the opportunity to develop to their full potential.


. Poverty is being increasingly concentrated in certain neighbourhoods(15).
· Location affects matters such as the availability of jobs, low-cost adequate housing, and access to public transport, hospitals, schools and childcare as well as support networks.
· Census data suggests that that those from low income neighbourhoods are increasingly experiencing unemployment (16).
· 6.7 million (27%) Australians live outside metropolitan areas(17); 33 out of 37 poorest electorates in Australia are in rural areas(18); 9 out of the ten regions with the highest unemployment in Australia are outside metropolitan areas (19) .


· The incidence of poverty is much higher amongst Indigenous Australians than the general population: estimates indicate that Indigenous Australians are likely to have less formal education and earn less than other Australians. They are more likely than non-Indigenous Australians to die earlier, to live in crowded conditions, to be unemployed, sick and imprisoned.
· For the 1998-2000 period, estimated life expectancy for Indigenous males was 21 years less than for all Australian males and 20 years less for Indigenous females than for all Australian females(20).
· Indigenous infant death rates were 3 times higher than for other Australian infants in 1998-2000 (21) .
· Long-term health problems are evident in one-third of Indigenous households in both low and high-income groups. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, especially those living in remote communities, do not have access to adequate housing, reliable supplies of water and electricity or adequate sewerage systems.
· Indigenous Australians are more likely than other Australians to be hospitalised for and to die from mental disorders such as depression, psychosis, self-harm and substance misuse.
· In 1996, the median income of Indigenous Australians was 65% of the median income of all Australians(22).
· There is a direct association between the removal of Aboriginal people from their natural families and the likelihood of criminalisation and ill-health.
· The over-representation of Indigenous people within the criminal justice system is recognised as the major contributing factor to continuing Indigenous deaths in custody.
· In 1994, one in five Indigenous people aged 13 and over reported having been arrested in the preceding five years. Nearly half (46%) of males aged 18-24 years have been arrested with 32% having been arrested more than once. Unemployment was the strongest predictor of arrest over the previous five years(23).
· While Indigenous men face unacceptably high rates of incarceration, the rate for Indigenous women is significantly higher and is rising at a faster rate. For the June 2002 quarter, Indigenous women were over-represented at 19.6 times the non-Indigenous rate compared with Indigenous men at 15.2 times. The imprisonment of Indigenous women exposes the children of the community to risk of neglect, abuse, hunger and homelessness. The rate of recidivism for Indigenous women is high (24).


· Labour market changes in Australia over the last decade have had a substantial social and economic impact. These changes include increasing casualisation, a move from full-time employment to part-time employment, a shift to a greater number of lower-paid jobs and significant unemployment despite improved economic performance.
· In February 2003, 614,400 Australians were officially unemployed (6.3%) - (all people working an hour or more a fortnight are officially classified as being employed).
· Unemployment produces erosion of self-esteem and confidence, atrophying of work skills, boredom, shame and stigma, increased stress, anxiety and depression, social isolation, family breakdown, deterioration of family health, loss of access to resources and personal supports, severe financial hardship and poverty, increased personal debt (25).
· 150 000 Australians (22.4% of those looking for work) are now considered to be long-term unemployed, having been unable to find work for more than a year (26).
· 380,000 Australians have been on unemployment benefits for more than 12 months (27).
· The continuing high number of long-term unemployed is particularly disturbing in light of research showing that 80% are likely to experience poverty compared with around 15% of short-term unemployed (28) .
· The poverty rate for jobless couples with no children is greater than 50%, but rises to more than 70% for those with children (29) .
· Unemployment is being increasingly concentrated in low-income households (30).
· The industries with the lowest wages: cafes, restaurants, cultural and recreation services are also amongst the industries with the highest growth in employment (31).
· The low level of security offered by casual employment increases the level of stress suffered by families and individuals
· In some areas of the labour force, such as the home-based textile, clothing and footwear industry, adequate pay and conditions are still not enforced.


· The Church believes that a fair and equitable social security system will be founded on an understanding of the intrinsic value of all Australian citizens and the need for all to have an adequate, secure income. Social support services need to be underpinned by compassion and understanding and the welfare system must be appropriately resourced, in accordance with the human rights obligations of governments and nations.
· The Church is strongly concerned about the emphasis on compulsion, punitive measures and strenuous activity testing for those in situations of extreme financial hardship and stress.
· The Church is concerned that there are significant disincentives to returning to full-time low-paid low- and semi-skilled work.


· Although there is considerable debate about how poverty should be measured, a recent estimate puts 13% of Australians (1 in 8) living in income poverty (32).


· The churches call upon the Federal Government to exercise leadership in governing for the benefit of all Australians and building a just and compassionate society in which all Australians have access to the social opportunities and basic goods required to participate fully in everyday life.
· The churches believe that an overarching anti-poverty strategy should be adopted to address key themes and features of poverty in the Australian setting within specific areas - eg employment and income, housing and homelessness, health care, education, childcare and aged care, disability, Indigenous poverty, regional poverty, industrial relations.
· This strategy should include the development of agreed definitions, targets and indicators of poverty - setting the right parameters, standards, indicators and measurement structures in the Australian context requires ongoing engagement with all the relevant communities of interest. Targets adopted should address the most disadvantaged groups and take account of their experience of poverty.
· The development and implementation of a strategy will be best achieved with partnerships between all levels of government, local communities, business, the community and research sectors and by listening closely to the experiences of those living in poverty.
· Addressing the growing divide in Australia between the advantaged and disadvantaged requires sustained commitment that must begin now.


(1) Housing Justice Roundtable (2002) Housing for all. Melbourne (Low income refers to the bottom 40% of income earners) quoted in Anglicare Victoria submission.
(2) Ibid.
(3) ACOSS (2002) Public and Community Housing: a rescue package needed. (figures from Dept. of Family and Community Services) quoted in Anglicare Victoria submission.
(4) Yates, J. and Wulff, M. (2000) "W(h)ither low cost private rental housing?" Urban Policy and Research, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 56-7 quoted in Brotherhood of St Laurence submission.
(5) Council to Homeless Persons (2001) Parity quoted in The Salvation Army - Australian Southern Territory submission.
(6) Kelly, S. (2001) "Trends in Wealth - New Estimates for the 1990s" 30th Annual Conference of Economists, University of WA, quoted in Anglicare Break the Cycle Campaign material.
(7) ACOSS (2000) Info 211 - available via www.acoss.org.au.
(8) Travers (2001) "Inequality and the future of our children" In Fincher, R. and Saunders, P. (eds) Creating Unequal Futures? Rethinking Poverty, Inequality and Disadvantage. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin, pp 102-129 quoted in Jesuit Social Services submission.
(9) Simons, R. (2002) "Social Innovation for Social Inclusion", ACOSS Congress 2002, 28 Nov., Hobart.
(10) Harding, Lloyd and Greenwell (2001) "Financial Disadvantage in Australia 1990-2000" The Smith Family, Camperdown.
(11) McClelland, A. (2000) Our children - our future, child poverty in Australia, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Melbourne.
(12) Derived from ABS, Australian Social Trends 2002: Population; National Summaries and Family - National Summary Tables quoted in A Fair Society? Common Wealth for the Common Good: Ten Years On p18.
(13) Bradbury & Jantti (1999) Child Poverty Across Industialized Nations, Innocenti Occasional Papers, Economic and Social Policy Series No. 71, UNICEF International Child Development Centre, Florence, quoted in the Jesuit Social Services Centre submission.
(14) Vinson, T. (1999) "Unequal in Life. The distribution of social disadvantage in Victoria and New South Wales" Melbourne: The Ignatius Centre for Social Policy and Research. Jesuit Social Services quoted in Jesuit Social Services submission.
(15) Gregory, R.G. and Hunter, B. (1995) The Macro Economy and the Growth of Ghettos and Urban Poverty in Australia. In The Australian National University Centre for Economic Policy Research, Discussion Paper Series No. 235.
(16) Ibid.
(17) National Farmers' Federation website quoted in Anglicare Victoria submission.
(18) Alston, M. (2000) "Rural Poverty" Australian Social Work Vol. 53 No. 1. Position paper of the National Rural Health Alliance (2000) sourced from www.ruralhealth.org.au quoted in Anglicare Victoria submission.
(19) National Farmers' Federation news release 26/02/2003, sourced from www.nff.org.au quoted in Anglicare Victoria submission.
(20) ABS (2002) Australian Social Trends, p.86.
(21) Anglicare Break the Cycle campaign material.
(22) ABS, Year book Australia 1999: Population Special Article - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia: A Statistical profile from the 1996 Census.
(23) Mukherjee et al. (1998) Occasional paper ? and justice issues, Indigenous Australians (ABS, Canberra).
(24) Press Statement by Dr William Jonas, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner - Social Justice Report 2002 and Native Title Report 2002.
(25) The Salvation Army - Australian Southern Territory submission.
(26) ABS (2003) Catalogue no 1301.0.
(27) www.acoss.org.au/media/2002/mr0218.htm
28) Ferguson, J. (2001) "Long-term unemployment and the employment services system: Value adding or a trade in damaged stock?" Economic and Labour Relations Review, Vol. 12 (supplement), pp.117-30 quoted in Brotherhood of St Laurence submission.
(29) Saunders, "The impact of unemployment on poverty, inequality and social exclusion" in Saunders and Taylor (2002) pp. 182-83 quoted in A Fair Society? Common Wealth for the Common Good: Ten Years On.
(30) Saunders in Saunders and Taylor (2002) p 179 quoted in A Fair Society? Common Wealth for the Common Good: Ten Years On p18.
(31) Eardley, Tony, "Working but Poor?, SPRC Paper 91.
(32) Harding, A., Lloyd, R. & Greenwell, H. (2001) "Financial Disadvantage in Australia 1990-2000", The Smith Family, Camperdown, NATSEM) - these researchers used a before-housing half average income poverty line with Henderson equivalence scale.

* * * *


Wednesday, 26 August 2009 15:09


Written by
Adopted by the Executive of the National Council of Churches in Australia
On Monday 10 November 1997.

Representatives of the following churches were present at the adoption of the Statement:
Anglican Church of Australia
Antiochian Orthodox Church
Armenian Apostolic Church
Assyrian Church of the East
Churches of Christ in Australia
Coptic Orthodox Church
Religious Society of Friends
Roman Catholic Church
Salvation Army
Uniting Church in Australia

A Housing Strategy to End Homelessness

Australia's Housing Crisis

1987 was the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless (IYSH). During that year the Australian Government committed itself to gaining a better understanding of the nature and causes of homelessness, and implementing policies and programs which would effectively meet the needs of homeless persons. It was acknowledged there were 40,000 people in Australia who were homeless, and a further 60,000 at risk of homelessness. Ten years have now elapsed since IYSH and it is timely to consider our nations progress in addressing the problem of homelessness.

Unfortunately, despite significant initiatives to enhance crisis and supported accommodation services for homeless persons and increase rent assistance for low income renters, the blight of homelessness continues to exist in our affluent community. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare estimates there were between 48,000 and 61,000 homeless persons in
1995. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. There are 575000 private renters who are poor after paying their housing costs and are at risk of becoming homeless. Consequently, public housing waiting lists across the county grew by 48 per cent to approximately 250000.

In the ten years since IYSH, however, there has been a substantial reduction in expenditure on additional public housing. Commonwealth and State funds under the Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement have declined in real terms by approximately 25 per cent ($419 million) since 1992-93. This has meant that the number of net additions to public housing has been reduced from a high of over 15,000 in 1986-87 to a low of approximately 3,000 1996-97.

The Churches are concerned that the declining commitment of Commonwealth and State governments to public housing is resulting in more people remaining in housing related poverty and hence at risk of homelessness. Already over 70 per cent of low income private renters pay more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs.

During 1996-97 rents increased significantly (8-12 percent), particularly in capital cities, as the property market began to rise.

Despite improvements in some programs for homeless persons, governments have not yet recognised the obvious link between homelessness and the supply of appropriate, secure and affordable rental housing. Their confidence in private market solutions does not match the daily experience of church welfare agencies who are called upon to provide assistance to the majority of homeless persons. These agencies are finding it increasingly difficult to assist low income individuals and families to secure affordable rental housing.

The Human Cost of Housing Poverty

We have not solved the problem of homelessness in Australia over the last decade. Housing problems persist and the Churches are concerned about the human cost of housing poverty. The experience of the Churches' welfare sector has brought us to the conclusion that:
§ inadequate, substandard significantly to
§ overcrowded and housing contributes poor health;
§ the stress of high rents and low security places great strain upon family relationships;
§ the transience which arises from lack of security in the private rental market contributes to poor educational outcomes for children;
§ the concentration of low income and disadvantaged persons in particular regions locks them into a cycle of poverty and limits their opportunities;
§ the failure to co-ordinate housing policy with labour market programs can seriously disadvantage workers' attempts to secure employment.

The human costs of homelessness and housing poverty will ultimately be reflected in social and economic costs to the whole community. The Churches call upon Commonwealth and State governments to implement policies which recognise the importance of an appropriate, secure and affordable place to live as the foundation of human dignity and social stability.

A National Affordable Housing Strategy

In November 1996 the heads of Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish and Islamic faith communities in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane called on the Commonwealth and State governments to implement a National Affordable Housing Strategy. This call was made in the context of discussions between the governments on reforms to housing assistance arrangements.

The Churches are concerned that those discussions have broken down and there appears little will by either level of government to tackle Australia's difficult housing problems. The inevitable losers will be the homeless and those low income private renters who are living in poverty.

In 1998 Commonwealth and State governments will address the future of the Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement which expires on June 30, 1999. The Churches reiterate our call for a National Affordable Housing Strategy as the basis of a new Commonwealth-State agreement on housing policy. The Churches proposed National Affordable Housing Strategy is based on three assumptions:
§ Commonwealth and State governments must cooperate in the development and implementation of housing policy. There is a important continuing role for a Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement which includes specific targets for reducing the incidence of housing related poverty.
§ Housing assistance policy must include both rent assistance and affordable rental housing sup ply measures. Commonwealth and State governments must reach agreement on strategies to improve rent assistance programs so that low income renters have sufficient income after paying their rent to meet such basic needs as food, clothing and education and ensure access to appropriate and affordable rental housing.
§ An effective National Affordable Housing Strategy cannot be implemented without additional expenditure on housing assistance. Commonwealth and State Governments must be prepared to commit additional funds to housing assistance if the goal of reducing housing poverty is to be achieved.

Key Elements of the Strategy

The Churches believe that our proposed National Affordable Housing Strategy provides the most appropriate response to the 10th anniversary of the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless and basis of a new Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement. The three key elements of the strategy are:

(i) the restructure of the Rent Assistance Program to ensure that the after-housing income of all public and community housing tenants is above the poverty line, while the after-housing income of all private tenants is lifted to at least 90 per cent of the poverty line;
(ii) the continuation of capital funding for public and community housing to ensure the net addition of at least 8,500 units each year (thus maintaining social housing at the current level of 6 per cent of national housing stock) to provide access to appropriate, secure and affordable housing for the most disadvantaged;
(iii) implementation of a national mechanism which provides incentives for institutional and private investors to invest in affordable rental housing which is provided to low income households and which is appropriate to their needs.

Ecumenical Housing, a Commission of the Victorian Council of Churches, has spelt out the detail of these policies in National Housing Policy: Reform and Social Justice. They estimate these goals can be achieved with a modest 6.6 per cent increase on the $3,008 million of overall housing assistance expenditure in 1994-5.

The Churches now call upon Commonwealth and State governments to renew their discussions on housing reform and commit themselves to a new Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement from July 1, 1999. The new CSHA should implement a National Affordable Housing Strategy at an additional estimated cost of $400 million on anticipated expenditure in 1998-99.

Implementing policies to address the affordability, accessibility and supply of rental housing for low income households is the most constructive and effective way to confront the problem of homelessness and housing relating poverty.

The Commitment of the Churches

In the meantime, national church community service agencies and ecumenical housing organisations met in conference in September this year and agreed to:

(i) review the assets of the Churches which may be made available to the provision of affordable rental housing for low income Australians;
(ii) work co-operatively with Commonwealth and State governments to develop more effective mechanisms for implementing community housing joint venture projects;
(iii) work co-operatively with each other and governments to identify and implement the best structures for ensuring high standard community housing services are delivered by church agencies;
(i) investigate alternative sources of housing finance to enable church agencies to invest in community housing projects.

We believe this demonstrates our willingness to work collaboratively with Governments to tackle one of our nation's most pressing social problems. We ask the Prime Minister to meet representatives of the Churches to discuss these proposals prior to the next meeting of Commonwealth and State Housing Ministers.


Wednesday, 26 August 2009 15:07


Written by

A Statement of the National Council of Churches in Australia (July 2000)


Gambling is the seeking of gain at the expense of others, based solely on chance. Inevitably some gain while others lose.  In most cases a third party in the form of the promoter of the activity is the significant beneficiary.  Thus gambling is not simply an innocent pastime.  It has the potential to divert significant resources from other and more useful activities.  It opens the way for some to profit from the weakness of others.  These characteristics of gambling have made it a long-standing concern of the churches.

Gambling is a human activity with a very long history.  People gamble on a small scale in raffles and similar community pastimes.  People also gamble as part of a highly organised and well-promoted industry.  Historically, some churches have opposed gambling in principle, while others have been more concerned about its abuse.  This statement springs from the perception that, regardless of the principle behind gambling, its present state in the Australian community occasions great harm both to individuals and the community at large.  At the same time the Council recognises that gambling is a source of enjoyment for many people, who gamble without damage to themselves or others.

The Nature of the Council's Concerns

The following well attested facts demonstrate the nature of the Council's concerns about gambling.

  • The last two decades have witnessed an expansion of gambling facilities in all the States of Australia.  This expansion has been in the availability of gambling at local, centralised and electronic venues.  The local expansions have been mostly in places of entertainment such as hotels and licensed clubs.  The centralised locations are in the form of casinos, while the electronic venues occur through the Internet.
  • Significant commercial interests have entered the gambling industry and increased its economic and political power.
  • The licensing of gambling venues has increased the income of State governments to such an extent that they now rely on it for a significant proportion of their budgets.
  • The availability and promotion of gambling has diverted resources from other uses, particularly from families.
  • Persons susceptible to problem gambling (2.1% of Australians and 15% of regular gamblers) have increased availability and encouragement.
  • Controls on the involvement of criminals in the gambling industry remain inadequate.

These developments have been demonstrated in a number of government and non-government reports, including that of the Productivity Commission in November 1999. 

As a result of these features of the growth of gambling, a number of subsequent concerns arise.  They include:

The nature of advertising and promotion

  • Advertising for gambling invariably emphasises the possibility of winning without setting out the realistic probabilities. 
  • Gamblers are represented in ideal terms as young, attractive and happy.  They do not represent the norm of actual gamblers.
  • Promotion may target cultural tendencies in ethnic communities towards belief in fate and chance.

Protection of problem gamblers

  • Advertising and promotional material fails to warn problem gamblers or to indicate where help can be obtained.  This lack compares unfavourably with the compulsory warnings on tobacco products.

Conflict of interest

  • Government dependence on gambling revenue conflicts with its regulatory and consumer protection responsibilities.
  • Government dependence on gambling revenue acts as a barrier to its duty to promote responsible taxation as a civic duty.


Apart from a dependence on gambling income, governments are compromised by the commercial and political power of the large players in the gambling industry.  Such interests are prone to exploit their position as apparently legitimate interests and their diverse corporate power.  Regulation thus becomes a politically risky activity.


For these reasons the Executive of the National Council of Churches in Australia makes the following statement:

  • The Executive supports the moves of the Commonwealth Government to seek a greater regulation of Internet gambling.  It endorses the proposed moratorium on new licenses.  It rejects the claims by some State governments that, since people will gamble, the income should stay at home.
  • The Executive supports moves that will decrease the accessibility of gambling.  These moves include, but are not limited to:
    • the reduction in the number of gambling venues and gambling machines;
    • increased information about the risks of problem gambling;
    • the removal of ATMs and credit facilities from gambling venues;
    • increased publicity at gambling venues about the winning odds of specific methods of gaming, particularly gaming machines;
    • increased provisions for community control.
  • The Executive supports moves to increase and monitor the resources available for the counselling and other treatment of problem gamblers.
  • The Executive supports increased measure to encourage persons to exclude themselves from gambling venues.
  • The Executive supports moves that would increase public knowledge about the gambling industry, its benefits and disadvantages.
  • The Executive supports the imposition of controls on the advertising of gambling that would ensure a more realistic presentation of its essential characteristics.
  • The Executive supports those policy and practice changes that would reduce criminal involvement in the gambling industry.
  • The Executive urges governments to consider seriously the extent to which their dependence on revenue from gambling inhibits their capacity to act responsibly in its control.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009 15:03

Sustaining Creation

Written by

A statement of the National Council of Churches in Australia to the governments of Australia

Following the Earth Summit, and Social Justice Sunday 2002, which had the theme Sustaining Creation, we write on behalf of the National Executive of the National Council of Churches - a body comprised of fifteen churches across Australia.

The environment is one of the key issues of our time! We believe that Christian faith can and should be a major force for change towards sustainable development, sustainable communities and a healthy environment.

All of us are aware that our planet's health and vitality are decaying. In the twentieth century, the human impact on the earth increased enormously. In the last thirty years alone, human activity has destroyed many of the planet's natural resources. Climate change, flooding, salination, habitat destruction, desertification, pollution, urban expansion, and famine have all played their part. A large number of species have become extinct. Many more are in danger of extinction. One billion people now suffer from a shortage of fresh water. Scientists have said the web of life is unravelling.

Every problem facing the world community is interrelated. Exploitation and greed, the consequent poverty of human communities, displacement of people, environmental degradation all impact on each other. It is not possible to tackle one without attempting to tackle another.

Certainly, these matters are political issues. They are economic issues. But at a deeper level, they are much more. At their core, they constitute a spiritual and moral crisis, touching all that we hold sacred.

We desperately need a change of spirit and attitude. Sustainable development is one of the most urgent moral tasks of our time. An appropriate response begins from sustainable values that recognise the inter-relatedness of all life.

Development is not su-stainable if it steals from present and future generations. Poverty and environmental degradation are interwoven, and it is the poor who suffer most from this degradation. Sustainable development cannot be defined in economic terms alone, but must begin in a commitment to care for the poor, the marginalised, and the voiceless. We seek a sustainable community.

Our Christian faith shapes our attitudes towards and concerns for the community and environment in which we live. Speaking out of these concerns, we:

1. call upon the Australian Government

  • to take action in solidarity with people most affected by climate change by ratifying the Kyoto Protocol as a matter of urgency
  • to recognise the need for subsequent stronger efforts, such as setting new targets and timetables for increased use of renewable energies
  • to continue to address the intolerable burden of unpayable debt on the world's poorest nations.

2. call upon the Australian Government and state governments:

  • to work together for peace, justice and economic prosperity within a context of ecological stability
  • to adopt environmental policies that do not steal from present and future generations, recognizing that poverty and environmental degradation are interwoven, and that it is the poor who suffer most from this degradation
  • to adopt policies that enhance the quality of the rivers and the land, the sea and the air and protect endangered species and all forms of life.

3. encourage the whole community

  • to act consistently in ways that affirm the intrinsic worth of the whole creation, recognising that all its resources are entrusted to human beings to be handed on responsibly and faithfully to future generations
  • to demonstrate simplicity of lifestyle rather than over-consumption and greed.
  • to be thoughtful about the use of resources in all places where we live, work and relax, especially in regard to the use of recyclable goods and the disposal of refuse.

We undertake to do all in our power through the Churches to act in ways that will assist in the achievement of these goals.

We believe that a better, more holistic, understanding of the Earth, which recognises that human beings are part of the created order and not separate from it, will make a major contribution to the transforming change that is essential for the well-being of the Planet in the third millennium.

The Revd John Henderson
General Secretary - National Council of Churches in Australia

On behalf of the 15 member churches of the National Council of Churches in Australia:-
The Anglican Church of Australia
The Lutheran Church of Australia
The Antiochian Orthodox Church
The Religious Society of Friends
The Armenian Apostolic Church
The Roman Catholic Church
The Assyrian Church of the East
The Romanian Orthodox Church
The Churches of Christ
The Salvation Army
The Congregational Federation of Australia
The Syrian Orthodox Church
The Coptic Orthodox Church
The Uniting Church in Australia
The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia

Wednesday, 26 August 2009 15:00


Written by
This position paper (adopted in September 1999) on the unemployment situation, summarises the key points from a number of Church documents.

The evangelistic witness will also speak to the structures of this world; its economic, political and social institutions...We must re-learn the patristic lesson that the Church is the mouth and voice of the poor and the oppressed in the presence of the powers that be. "Ecumenical convictions on mission and evangelism" in BRIA I (ed.) Go forth in peace: Orthodox perspectives on mission Geneva: WCC 1986 page 78, quoting Confessing Christ today, pages 10 and 13.

We cannot accept a situation which excludes large numbers from full participation in the life of their own country...There are commentators who would tell us that a long-term pool of unemployed is good for the economy. We cannot accept that. (Australian Catholic Bishops Conference - taken from its statement on unemployment in 1991)

...the laws of supply and demand, and all the rest of the excuses by which those who stand on firm ground salve their conscience when they let their brother sink...often enough are responsible for his disaster. Coffin ships are a direct result of the wretched policy of non-interference with the legitimate operations of commerce (William Booth)

 A COVENANT FOR EMPLOYMENT - A position paper of the NCCA - September 1999

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