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Sunday, 03 April 2005 00:00

Solidarity with Australia's Catholics, says NCCA

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The President of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA), Revd Professor James
Haire, and the General Secretary of the NCCA, Revd John Henderson, have expressed the
condolences of the Council to the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference on the occasion of
the death of Pope John Paul II. The Council stands in solidarity with the Catholic community at
this time.
The Catholic Church has been a full member of the National Council of Churches since its
inception in 1994.
“In Australia there is a close and warm relationship between the Catholic Church and her
Orthodox and Protestant neighbours,” said Professor Haire, speaking from Chiang Mai in
Thailand during the 12th Assembly of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA). “While there is
still separation between Rome and other Christians, we have walked a long way together and
come much closer. Much of that journey has taken place during the time of John Paul II and
with his encouragement. He was a person of high integrity, deep faith, and profound
Also speaking from Chiang Mai at the CCA Assembly, Revd Henderson said, “On Thursday all
eyes turned to the Vatican, and it is significant that, after such a long Papacy, John Paul II
received such respectful treatment from around the world. The death of the Pope is important for
all Christians, whether or not they are Catholic.
“I think of landmark events such as the signing of the Joint Declaration on Justification with the
Lutherans, his visits to the Jewish and Palestinian communities, his interfaith work and his
significant gains in relationships with the Orthodox. We should also remember his 1986 visit to
Australia, when he addressed the situation of indigenous Australians. His work was a sign that
there is hope for the healing of divisions, some of which go back over 1,000 years,” said Revd
The NCCA has privately expressed its condolences to the Australian Catholic Bishop’s
Conference through a letter from Professor Haire and Revd Henderson to Archbishop Francis
Carroll, Archbishop of Canberra Goulburn, the President of the Conference.
For further comment:
Debra Porter, ph (02) 9299 2215 or 0427 789 410
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