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Wednesday, 20 July 2005 00:00

Tribute to Sir Ronald Wilson

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The National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) gives thanks to God for the life of Sir
Ronald Wilson.
Sir Ron was enthusiastically involved in the ecumenical movement over many years. “He took a
close interest in the programs of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Australian
Council of Churches,” said the Revd David Gill, former General Secretary of the NCCA. “I
recall his presence at a meeting of the WCC Central Committee during the 1970s. Though
technically a ‘visitor’, his commitment and facility with words got him conscripted into drafting
our subcommittee’s report!”
In Australia, Sir Ron involved himself in many programs and projects. These included serving
as honorary General Secretary of the Council of Churches of WA and playing an active role in
Australia’s efforts to host the WCC’s 1991 Canberra Assembly. At the Canberra Assembly he
chaired the media committee.
He had a deep conviction concerning the critical importance of ecumenical formation for
potential leaders of Australia’s Churches. To this end he was a strong supporter of the NCCA’s
Ecumenical Leadership Fund.
Sir Ron will be remembered by many in the Churches as a quiet, humble man and a great friend,
as well as a source of wisdom, encouragement and support. The ecumenical movement in
Australia will deeply miss and warmly remember his involvement.
For further information contact: Debra Porter, NCCA Communications Officer,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (02) 9299 2215.
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