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The National Council of Churches in Australia wishes all a healthy and holy Easter.

Chiara Lubich, wonderful Founder of the Focolare Movement, speaks of “Jesus forsaken” and “Jesus in our midst”.
These two phrases convey the Pascal mystery....

Bishop Philip Huggins, President National Council of Churches in Australia 

The 11 messages follow.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018 16:27

Easter Messages 2018

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Easter Messages from Leaders of Christian Churches in Australia 2018

The National Council of Churches in Australia wishes all a healthy and holy Easter.

Chiara Lubich, wonderful Founder of the Focolare Movement, speaks of “Jesus forsaken” and “Jesus in our midst”.
These two phrases convey the Pascal mystery....

Bishop Philip Huggins, President National Council of Churches in Australia 

 The 11 messages follow.

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The Australian Catholic Social Justice Council (ACSJC) has released the 82nd book in their Social Justice Series Papers. In this issue, Peter Arndt examines issues faced by the indigenous people of West Papua.

Thursday, 22 March 2018 13:37

NCCA Submission

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Inquiry into the status of the human right to freedom of religion or belief.

Bishop Philip Huggins, on behalf of the NCCA, recently submitted a paper to The Hon Philip Ruddock, Chair of the Parliamentary Inquiry into the status of the human right to freedom of religion or belief. 


Thursday, 15 March 2018 15:38

Ecumenical News

World Council of Churches 

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UN agencies, NGOs, and WCC join at UN to end violence against children

Panel discussion on child rights, UN Human Rights Council, March 8 2018.

International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam, July 2018

Applications close 22 March 2018.

Thursday, 01 March 2018 14:12

Ecumenical News

World Council of Churches 

WCC s2

31 Days of Prayer for Women's Empowerment

Join the Lott Carey Global Women's Prayer Guide 

 International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam, July 2018

Applications are invited from interfaith chaplains and young counsellors 

Thursday, 01 March 2018 12:20

Interfaith News

Fourth Baha'i leader released from prison

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The NCCA rejoices with the Baha’i community with the news of the recent release of Mr Saeid Rezaie after completing a ten year prison sentence in Iran.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018 12:31

FRANC – an NCCA initiative


What is FRANC?
FRANC (Financial Representatives of Australian National Churches) is a way of exploring collaboration in finance and corporate services. Emerging from a decision at last year’s National Church Leaders gathering, FRANC holds considerable potential to release resources for productive mission. 

Wednesday, 14 February 2018 12:29

Cultural Diversity and Churches


Research Colloquium and Workshop

National Church Life Survey (NCLS) and the Australian Catholic University (ACU) have joined together to present the following two events:

Wednesday 14 March 2018: Research colloquium for academics, ACU North Sydney NSW

Wednesday 21 March 2018: Workshop for church leaders, ACU Strathfield, NSW

Wednesday, 14 February 2018 12:23

Ecumenical Lenten reflections

Ecumenical and Interfaith News

This Lent you are invited to prepare for Easter in anticipation, reflection and humility.

  • The World Council of Churches Ecumenical Water Network (WCC-EWN) invites you to reflect on water this Lent.
  • CommonGrace and the Bible Society invite you to rediscover the Beatitudes with their daily video reflections. 
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