Coming Events - Welcome Walk 2016
Welcome to Australia and Settlement Services International (SSI) invites you to be part of the Walk Together 2016. To walk alongside them and the Australian community in demonstration of the spirit of inclusiveness that SSI work tirelessly to achieve.
Date: Saturday 22 October
Where: Walk from Belmore Park (Central Station) to Victoria Park (Broadway).
Coming Events - Anti Poverty Week
Anti Poverty Week was established in Australia as an expansion of the UN's annual International Anti-Poverty Day on October 17.
In 2016 Anti Poverty Week will be held from the 16th to the 22nd of October.
Calendar of Activities in 2016
Interfaith News - Youth PoWR
Sydney’s Youth Model Interfaith Harmony, Justice & Compassion to the World
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
Martin Luther King Jr
In early September over 300 young people from diverse faith backgrounds met in Sydney for the largest interfaith event for young people in Australia. Youth PoWR (Parliament of the World’s Religions) saw youth vote on and commit to a message of common and critical concern; ‘Towards a More Compassionate & Just Society’.
Interfaith News - “Nothing substantively new"?
A public lecture on the Future of Jewish-Catholic relations
Two scholars, Fr Philipp Renczes SJ and Rabbi Fred Morgan, will look at the latest Vatican document - The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.
When: Sunday 30th October 2016 at 3pm to 4pm,
Where: Simonds Hall, Catholic Leadership Centre 576 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne (Cnr Hoddle Street)
Ecumenical News
Visit of the WCC Gen Sec
Rev Dr Olav Fykse Tveit , General Secretary of the World Council of Churches will visit Australia this month.
From Tuesday 11 until he flies back to Geneva on Monday 17, the General Secretary will have many opportunities for public engagement in most of our Australian capital cities as his schedule permits.
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NCCA Newsletter
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Our People – Susan Lorenzo, Act for Peace
Susan is a very special person who happens to be in a very special position – she gets to work two jobs! For three days of the week she works with the MAC (Marketing and Campaigns) team as the Data Coordinator. Here she works with the team to prepare data files for their campaigns and help report on the results of their work. These reports show what does and doesn’t work and helps guide the team in future decision making.
On the other two days Susan works with the PPT (Programs and Policy) team as their Performance Effectiveness Officer.
Our Works - Safe Church Tip
Collaborative Ministry
Collaborative Ministry is recognising the vast expertise and experiences that are involved in the area of safeguarding children, young people and the vulnerable in church contexts. It is recognising the historical achievements and persistence in this area, and the gift it is to us going forward, and it enables a wider scope of influence to build a culture of safe church.
Collaborative ministry brings denominations together to better share resources and cultivate mutual respect for one another; it draws us to work in unity for a common purpose and common goals.
Our Works - Safe Church Program
Safe Church update
Blue Knot Day
24th October 2016
Blue Knot Day is the Blue Knot Foundation's national awareness day celebrated in October every year. On this day, we ask all Australians to unite in support of the 5 million Australian adult survivors of childhood trauma and abuse.
Our Works - Act for Peace
Christmas Bowl 2016
Help plant seeds of hope this Christmas
In a world where too many people are facing pain, suffering and injustice, the Christmas Bowl appeal is still an essential act of compassion, just as it has been since its humble beginnings in 1949.
This year, we’re helping hard working families in Zimbabwe who are struggling to feed their children after suffering the worst drought in 35 years.
This Christmas, one third of families in Zimbabwe will be suffering severe hunger.