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from Act for Peace, the international aid agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia

Tuesday, 24 November 2009 15:24

Issues and Documents

The NCCA Faith & Unity Commission is currently working on a number of key issues and documents related to both global and Australian ecumenical initiatives.

Care of Creation

pdf Churches in Australia and Care of Creation (211 KB)  -  July 2023

(see also our Creation Care web page )  



pdf Statement on Ecumenism (108 KB)  (8 April 2021)

pdf Commentary on Come and See for NCCA (110 KB)  (9 April 2021)


World Council of Churches Documents

pdf One Baptism: Towards Mutual Recognition (223 KB)  (WCC Faith & Order Paper No. 210)

Response of the NCCA Faith & Unity Commission to One Baptism Towards Mutual Recognition

The Church Towards a Common Vision (WCC Faith & Order Paper No. 214)

Response of the NCCA Faith & Unity Commission to The Church Towards a Common Vision

The Dar es Salaam Report

Response of the NCCA Faith & Unity Commission to the Dar es Salaam Report

Moral Discernment in the Churches (WCC Faith & Order Paper No. 215)

Together Towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes (Commission on World Mission and Evangelism)

pdf Come And See (2.14 MB)  A Theological Invitation to the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace (2019 WCC Faith & Order Paper No. 224)


Australian Bilateral Dialogues

Living Word, Living Tradition (Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue)

Response of the NCCA Faith & Unity Commission to Living Word, Living Tradition


Discussion Papers

In the past the Faith & Unity Commission has discussed a range of topics. These papers remain relevant. 

pdf Broadening the Theological Dialogue (14 KB)

pdf Further Study on ‘Australian Churches Covenanting Together’ (28 KB)

Spiritual Ecumenism

Receptive Ecumenism

pdf The Decade to Overcome Violence; A sumary of the Commission's work (33 KB)

Mutual accountability as an issue in ecumenical and member Church life

Seeking to listen to and engage with the theological journey of Indigenous Australians

The Commission held a seminar ‘New Trends in Ecumenism’ on 9 July 2010 immediately prior to the NCCA Forum in Canberra. This was also the theme of the Ecumenical Address given by Rev Dr Gerard Kelly: pdf A New Ecumenical Wave (110 KB)


From Act for Peace, the international aid agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia

from Act for Peace, the international aid agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 00:00

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

from the National Council of Churches in Australia

Friday, 08 May 2009 00:00

Visit from The Reverend Peter Tibi

from act for peace - the international aid agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia

Thursday, 23 April 2009 00:00

Sri Lanka Crisis Appeal

from act for peace - the international aid agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia

from the National Council of Churches in Australia


from the Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations


from the National Council of Churches in Australia


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