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April 2017

Bishop Philip Huggins

The Resurrection and the pelican.

I often ride my bike by Swan Bay, sometimes with my granddaughter on the back. We pause and watch the pelicans, as in the photo below!

As you may know, the Resurrection symbolism of the mother pelican feeding her little baby is rooted in an ancient legend that, in time of famine the mother pelican wounded herself then fed her dying young with her blood to revive them from death, but in turn lost her own life. Early Christians adapted this to symbolise our Lord, Jesus Christ. The pelican symbolizes Jesus our Redeemer who gave His life for our redemption. Thus the pelican became a symbol of the Resurrection.

 Sr Elizabeth Delaney sgsDear friends

As the holy season of Lent continues, in our Eucharistic gathering we hear wonderful scriptural readings. The Gospels of this time contain such richness, that taking one or two thoughts from them, means that there is much that remains for another time. On the third Sunday of Lent, I was present for Eucharist and Morning Prayer – both of which nourished me for the following days. I love hearing of this incident, of the woman who spoke to Jesus with certain candour, holding her own, as it were, in speaking to Jesus, but ready to be changed by the conversation. 

AfP 1 sEast Africa Emergency Appeal

One million people could die – and no one is talking about it

Right now, children are starving to death in South Sudan. This is the first time famine has been declared anywhere in the world in the last six years.

This terrible famine will spread quickly without a big international response.
Please give to the urgent appeal today.

What’s happening?
East Africa is in the grip of an intense drought. Two seasons of poor rainfall have wiped out crops and killed livestock. Our partners on the ground have told us that cattle are dying and people are eating leaves to survive. Women are digging holes in the dry earth in an attempt to find water. 

Safe as Churches Conference

Our Works - Safe Church Program

16 - 17 May 2017 - Jasper Hotel, Melbourne

Registrations are open now

At this conference we will be looking at the: impact of abuse on survivors; pastoral care of survivors and parishes; Family Violence prevention; Elder Abuse; eSafety and digital trends; plus various workshops to assist churches in being a safe place for all people.


Safe Church signage

Communicate to your Church community

Along with the safe church commitment, it is good practice to visually display that you are committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable people. The signage should include who the safe church contact is for your community

Andy Corkill

Andy Corkill

If you are one of our faithful supporters who give individually, or as part of church group then you may find yourself in conversation with Andy. Similarly, if you’re a donor wanting to make a lasting legacy by including Act for Peace in their will or as part of your estate planning, then Andy will be the person to talk to. He sees that the primary undertaking of his role is that of relationship building, getting to know our individual and church donors, helping them find ways to connect with and support the vital work that we are doing together. 

Armenian Apostolic Church


Celebrating 350 years of the Armenian bible

The Diocese fo the Armenian Church of Australia and New Zealand together with the Hamazkaine Armenian Educational & Cultural Society of Australia are celebrating the 350th anniversary of the first bible printed in Armenian, 1666-68.

This commemorative event will be held on Wednesday 3 May, 2017 at NSW Parliament House. It will be hosted by the Premier of NSW Hon Gladys Berejikllian, MP with a keynote speech by Dr Tigran Zargaryan, Director of the National Library of Armenia. The official proceedings will be followed by a small exhibit of ancient Armenian books and a reception.

Uniting people of faith, serving people in need


Our friends at the Western Australian Council of Churches are having their Annual General Meeting on 6 April, 2017 at 6pm. The Guest Speaker for the evening is Andrea Musulin, Safeguarding Coordinator Roman Catholic Church.

April events in WA:
  • 2017 Stations of the Cross Art Exhibition, Saturday 8 April to Monday 17 April, 9am to 5pm daily. Entry is free.
  • Meals with Jesus: A Feast for the Fast 5 March to 10 April, Sundays in Lent at 11.45AM & Mondays in Lent at 5.30PM

Easter 2017 Messages from Australian Church Leaders

Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. … they ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them and said, ‘Greetings!’

As we celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord, and hear and receive the accounts of disciples encountering the Risen Lord, may we rejoice that the Lord is truly risen. May we be assured that he has gone before us. Like Mary Magdalene may we with eager hearts tell our sisters and brothers what we have witnessed and may we , like them, meet Jesus on the way.

sago palm s

Faith In The Ordinary

Before the eyes of the world
“Before the eyes of the world, in the dead of night they came, seeking passage between their lands of desolation and the possibility of a better life.” Good Samaritan Sister Marie Casamento takes us on a journey from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection.

PSmarrches s

Justice marches are being held in most capital cities on Palm Sunday 9 April 2017
For more information visit the Facebook page for your city.

Sydney Palm Sunday Rally for Refugees -2pm Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park
Brisbane Palm Sunday Rally for Refugees Rights -2pm King George Square, George St
Adelaide Walk for Justice for Refugees -2pm Victoria Square,
Melbourne Walk for Justice for Refugees - 2pm State Library, 328 Swanston St
Perth Walk for Justice for Refugees – 1pm St George’s Cathedral, 38 St George’s Terrace

interfaith dove s

Faith-based groups across Australia are uniting to call on the Australian Government to participate and support the UN negotiations for a treaty banning nuclear weapons this year.

The statement below is endorsed by 52 faith-based organisations.
Can you please pass this on to your networks and spread the news?

“As people of faith, we understand the gift of life that nuclear weapons are designed to destroy. Nuclear weapons are incompatible with our religious values, moral principles and international humanitarian law. We have an obligation to address this paramount peril.

WoPCU 17 cross s

“Reconciliation - The Love of Christ Compels Us”

(cf. 2 Corinthians 5:14-20)

28 May – 4 June 2017

In 2017 the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Australia will be observed from 28 May - 4 June 2017 in the week between Ascension and Pentecost.
The theme ‘Reconciliation – the Love of Christ compels us’, celebrates the irrevocable reconciliation that we have received through faith in Jesus Christ. Christ’s love becomes the driving force that moves us beyond our division toward acts of reconciliation

The premier choir of theSalvation Army, The International Staff Songsters, are coming to Australia and New Zealand this month.

They will perform a selection of Christian songs from contemporary to classical, spirituals and traditional.

Salvo 1

Australian dates:
Sun 2 April – Perth
Mon 3 April Perth
Wed 5 April – Brisbane
Mon 10 April – Sydney
Tues 11 April – Canberra
Wed 12 April – Hobart
Sat 15 April - Melbourne

Sometimes a situation calls for action rather than words.

Pace e Bene sNow you too can act for change.

The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) and Pace e Bene are holding one day workshops where you can develop NvDA skills and discover the spirituality of non-violence.

Review several ways to take action against injustice, while remaining compassionate and nonviolent. This is an opportunity to be involved, or simply learn more and explore whether or not you want to participate in some way. 

Australian Religious Press Association

ARPA logo s43rd annual Conference

25 -27 August 2017, Rydges Hotel 59 Federal St Auckland NZ
Inspiration, professional development and networking for ARPA members, including the ARPA Awards Dinner on Saturday night 26 August.

For the programme and information on payment options download the brochure in PDF
For further enquiries, please contact Elizabeth Harris: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the ARPA website

Leaning into the Spirit

Leaning into the Spirit -The Fourth International Conference on Receptive Ecumenism

Early bird registrations close 30 April. 

To register visit the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture website.

Where:        University House, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

When:         Monday 6 – Thursday 9 November 2017.

Keynote Speakers: Professor Paul Murray (Durham, UK), Professor Michael Welker (Heidelberg, Germany)

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