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Council of Churches of Western Australia

Uniting people of faith, serving people in need

WACOC logoWEB 300x211

Our friends at the Western Australian Council of Churches are having their Annual General Meeting on 6 April, 2017 at 6pm. The Guest Speaker for the evening is Andrea Musulin, Safeguarding Coordinator Roman Catholic Church. See contact details below for more informaiton.

April events in WA:

2017 Stations of the Cross Art Exhibition

Saturday 8 April to Monday 17 April, 9am to 5pm daily. Entry is free.

Wesley Uniting Church in the City, is pleased to introduce you to the forthcoming 2017 Stations of the Cross Art Exhibition. Proudly supported by the City of Perth, the Exhibition has become an annual tradition for Wesley Uniting Church and also a significant event within the Art Community. The Exhibition will feature newly commissioned artworks by fifteen Western Australian contemporary artists. The artists, representing some of our finest creative talent, have been invited to participate in this year’s event which features newly created artworks, specially commissioned for the show.
The fifteen artworks correspond to the traditional story of Easter and the ritual of the 'Stations of the Cross'. While pertaining to a religious narrative, participating artists each interpret a single 'station' through their personal and unique understanding of Easter and the human experiences and themes that underlie it.
The exhibition will be officially opened by Professor Ted Snell, Director of the Cultural Precinct at the University of Western Australia on Friday 7 April.


Meals with Jesus: A Feast for the Fast

5 March to 10 April, Sundays in Lent at 11.45AM & Mondays in Lent at 5.30PM

A series of Lent courses following Jesus, disciples, tax collectors and prostitutes as they share meals together across the pages of the gospels. Taking these mealtime tales as a springboard, explore the politics and social conventions behind these simple repasts, and the spiritual nourishment we need for our journey of faith.
The course is written and led by the Reverend Gareth Hughes and Dr Bill Leadbetter (Mondays), and the Reverend Rae Reinertsen (Sundays), and each is under an hour in duration.
For more informaiton please email the Reverend Gareth Hughes at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Venue: The Friends' Library, Burt Memorial Hall

For more information on any of the event above please contact the council directly.

Tel: 08 9275 3144
Fax: 08 9275 3199
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www.churcheswa.com. au

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