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Our People

Andy Corkill

Andy Corkill

If you are one of our faithful supporters who give individually, or as part of church group then you may find yourself in conversation with Andy. Similarly, if you’re a donor wanting to make a lasting legacy by including Act for Peace in their will or as part of your estate planning, then Andy will be the person to talk to. He sees that the primary undertaking of his role is that of relationship building, getting to know our individual and church donors, helping them find ways to connect with and support the vital work that we are doing together. 

Andy is relatively new on staff at Act for Peace, having started mid February 2017. Andy was attracted to the position because he believes in the work being done. He says “…it has a real impact on the lives of so many people around the world – and I want to be part of that.” He also wanted to work ecumenically, being a strong believer in that no matter what denomination we identify with, we are all called by God to look after those on the margins. “Combining our efforts is not only more efficient, but also makes a powerful statement in the community about the core values of the gospel.”

A highlight of Andy’s previous working life was living and working in New York, the city that never sleeps. For three years, he worked in the US with the United Methodist church in their relief and development agency. It was in this role that he was privileged to work with many, long-term, passionate and faithful supporters who “loved, to love the agency” as he says. It was here that he also secured his largest gift ever, $8.8 Million from an estate. The result of which is that the donor will be funding Child and Maternal Health work for around 25 years. It is in working with donors, listening to their passions and helping them find ways to make a significant impact that he sees as the real highpoint of his work.

Andy confesses to being ‘a bit of a church nerd’, holding degrees in both Theology and Ministry. He grew up in and continues to worship with the Uniting Church. Andy says he looks forward to visiting may donors and other congregations in his new role.

In his spare time Andy loves to cook, fiddle about with technology and read. He maintains that the quirkier the books the better, “get in touch with me and I’ll be happy to give you some suggestions.” He is currently renovating his kitchen and finds himself doing a lot of the handyman ‘things’ around the home. He says that while he is not sure if he likes doing these things, they do take up a lot of his spare time.

So, who inspires Andy? He says that so many have inspired him in many different ways over the years. For the sake of concision, he names two. The first, the nuns at St John of God hospital in Perth as they continually inspire him to be more faithful in his prayer life even when things seem to get out of control. He thinks of them often, and very fondly. The second is John, a former manager and now a good friend in the US. Andy says “The way John has been able to live out his faith as part of his work is something to behold. He is an educator in the widest sense of the word - he inspires and encourages the best out of people; and he does it all for the benefit of others.”

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