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Message from the General Secretary

Sr Elizabeth Delaney sgsThe role of General Secretary of National Council of Churches in Australia brings with it a wider range of responsibilities. However, it also brings fringe benefits! Meeting people from many churches and diverse backgrounds is perhaps the most significant - and welcome! 

Another is reading the media of our member churches. Each time, I pick up a journal, I meet people who inspire me – people who have served the church in various ways, often over many years, inspire. Projects, such as Operation Christmas Child (Tasmanian Anglican June 2017), may find a small congregation or parish acting together to achieve a change for others. Youth with a Mission (UCA’ Outreach August 2017) aims to build leadership among young people, while participating in outreach activity.

‘Organ Trade inquiry must hear voice for justice’ (Sydney’s Catholic Weekly, 30 July 2017) informs and urges action. The Salvation Army’s Warcry always entertains, informs and inspires – and provides ideas for relaxing: cooking, puzzles, places to visit.

Importantly these tell the rich and varied stores of people responding to Christ’s call to live the gospel. We are able to give thanks for the good of many, many people, the inspiring leadership of church leaders throughout our member churches in this country and for the daily faith-filled living of many.

Last Saturday, I attended the premiere screening of ‘The Sultan and the Saint’. I came away after the screening, the talks and the interaction with people with one primary message: The actions of one committed person can make extraordinary differences in our society. St Francis of Assisi and Sultan Malik al Kamil were two such people.  Among the audience were many people, strongly and energetically committed to inter-faith relations, who also are making wonderful differences in our community. 

For many present at the premiere or represented in the media of our churches, their prayer may well be that of St Francis, ‘Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, where there is hatred, let me sow love.’

Sr Elizabeth Delaney sgs

General Secretary


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