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Interfaith News

Third Iranian Baha’i leader released in Tehran

We rejoice with our friends of The Australian Baha’i Community in the news of the recent release of Mr Behrooz Tavakkoli.

Mr Tavakkoli was released from prison after completing his ten-year sentence. He is the third of the seven former Baha’i leaders in Iran to be released. 

 Bahai yaranx300
 Behrooz Tavakkoli, 66 after his release

Dr Natalie Mobini, Director, Office of External Affairs with the Australian Baha’i Community has spoken with Mr Tavakkoli's brother who lives in Adelaide, and says that he has expressed deep appreciation for the efforts of so many people in drawing attention to their case over the years. Needless to say, Mr Tavakkoli's family are very happy to have him home.

Read the Bahai news story of Mr Tavakkoli's realease.

Four men remain imprisoned and are due to complete their sentences in the coming months.

However the arrests continue, with approximately 100 Baha’is currently in prison in Iran due to their faith.

Your prayers are very much appreciated.

For more information on the Australian Baha’i Community visit:


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