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Act for Peace

Christmas Bowl

Our Works - Act for Peace

Please join us in this powerful act of faith, love and solidarity.

For over 68 years, the Christmas Bowl has been a way for Christians to express the love of Christ to those in great need around the globe, and affirm that every displaced or hungry person is worthy of empathy and compassion.

The Christmas Bowl appeal is a demonstration of unity for Christians in Australia. “Making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3).

Last year the Christmas Bowl brought together 1,800 churches from 19 denominations to help those in need. 

This year, the Christmas Bowl is needed more than ever, with unprecedented numbers of people displaced around the world and millions more suffering from severe hunger. By taking part, we’re affirming that every displaced or hungry person is an individual worthy of empathy and compassion.

Resources can be downloaded from the Act for Peace website.

If you have not received your Christmas Bowl mailing, Ph: 1800 025 101 or E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Anglican Church supporters in Coffs Harbour celebrate the Christmas Bowl with an ecumenical carol
Anglican Church supporters in Coffs Harbour celebrate the Christmas Bowl with an ecumenical carol service.
Credit: Peter Berzanskis/Act for Peace

The Christmas Bowl has its beginnings on Christmas in Day 1949, when the Reverend Frank Byatt of Victoria placed an empty bowl on the dinner table and asked his guests to give a gift to bring relief and hope to refFranugees  had fled the horrors of World War II. Rev Byatt could never have known that his simple act would grow into the incredible outpouring of love and compassion it’s become today.

Keep spurring each other on in love, faith and prayer, for peace and justice!



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