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2017 Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons (ICAN)

ican logo

Sunday 10 December.

This coming Sunday, ICAN will have the honour of receiving this prestigious award at the ceremony in Oslo, Norway.This celebration is an acknowledgement of the importance of the treaty to ban nuclear weapons.

You can watch the live streaming of the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony at Oslo City Hall. Visit the Nobel Prize website for more information.

origamix300While in the public eye, ICAN will bring a message of hope for nuclear disarmament. In accordance with Japanese tradition, ICAN is aiming to fold 1000 origami cranes. Students in Hiroshima have been busy folding these messages of hope, which will be joined by an additional 468 cranes –representing each ICAN partner organisation. The 1000th crane will be laid by Hiroshima survivor Setsuko Thurlow, in front of the world's media shortly before she joins ICAN Executive Director Beatrice Fihn on stage to accept the Nobel Peace Prize.

Join in with ICAN by submitting a photo of your own message of peace. Make your own origami crane with your message for Oslo, submit it on social media #EndOfNukes?

Click here for instructions on how to fold your crane and upload your photo. 


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