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Global Faith-Based Day of Climate Action

Sacred People Sacred Earth

When: 11 March 2021

Join faith communities around the world on March 11 for the biggest-ever multi-faith Day of Action on the climate crisis called Sacred People, Sacred Earth.

Together, we will press urgently at both national and international levels for a compassionate, just response to COVID-19 and the climate emergency.

Your church could be one of hundreds of places of worship around the world ‘sounding the alarm’ for climate justice. You can do this by ringing bells if you have them, playing bagpipes or other instruments, singing, or anything else, as long as you can take photos or videos for social media. Get involved or see more information here.

Please sign a bold new multi faith statement on the need for serious climate action. The signatories will also include globally recognised faith leaders. Do ask as many people as possible to sign this too. This will be released to the media on the day. 

The Day of Action is being organised in 14 countries by GreenFaith International. Here in Australia the organisation leading the way is the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC).


Find out more about this Day by coming to one of two Zoom sessions. They will both cover the same ground.

Session One

Date: Wednesday February 10

Time: 6pm AEDT (Sydney/Melbourne time)

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88286606513 


Session Two

Date: Thursday February 25

Time: 1pm AEDT (Sydney/Melbourne time)

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82875503797 


The statement and Day of Action will be the start of a multi-faith Year of Action around the world leading up to the next round of crucial international climate negotiations (COP26) to be held in Glasgow in November. We want 2021 to be the year that, at a national level and globally, climate action begins to match what is needed to protect life on earth.



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