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February 2021 Issue 1

World Interfaith Harmony Week

February 1-7 2021

World Interfaith Harmony Week invites us to imagine our one human family living in peace, guided into vibrant and creative harmony by people of faith who are completely honouring the deepest truths of their faith tradition.

Training, Awareness and Leadership sessions

  • NSW DCJ - Domestic and Family Violence Training through TAFE NSW - EOI open until 16 February 2021, or until spots are filled.
  • QCT - Domestic and Family Violence Awareness - 25 February, 4 March and 11 March 2021
  • ACSL - Safeguarding Leadership Introductory Session for National Church Leaders - CANCELLED

AfPx150Send a Girl to School

Australian students are busy settling in for a new year at school. Many children in Afghanistan and Pakistan won’t get that chance. Girls in particular have already been fighting for equal access to education, and COVID-19 has only made this situation worse. 

Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.  Joel 2:13

WCC s2World Council of Churches

New resources available:

  • Pilgrim Prayer: The Ecumenical Prayer Cycle
  • Moral Discernment: two new volumes 

To churches and the Council of Churches in Myanmar

"In the spirit of solidarity we offer you the assurance of our continued prayers and support." Rev Prof Dr Ioan Sauca, WCC and Dr Mathews George Chunakara, CCA.

Australia and the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow 2021

A discussion with Mr Jamie Isbister, Australia’s Ambassador for the Environment.

When: Thursday 18 February 2021,7pm-9.30pm (Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney)

Where: Chapel at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture 15 Blackall St. Barton, ACT online- DETAILS NOW AVAILABLE

Sacred People Sacred Earth

When: 11 March 2021

Join faith communities around the world on March 11 for the biggest-ever multi-faith Day of Action on the climate crisis.

Realising Earth's Regeneration

Celebrating the special Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year

When: Monday 15 to Wednesday 17 March 2021

Where: Online event 

Quaker United Nations Office 

Virtual Summer School (Northern Hemisphere), 5 – 16 July 2021. Applications are invited from young people aged between 20 and 26 years old.

Applications close: 15 February 2021 

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