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Lenten Resources 2021

Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.  Joel 2:13 

The following is a short selection of resources that you may find useful for your own prayers and reflections during this season of Lent that commences for the Western Churches on 17 February 2021.

God of Compassion: A Lenten Journey**

Anglican Diocese of Canberra-Goulburn - Lenten Study for 2021

A new six-week study from the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn, written by the  Public Issues Commission, published with the support of Anglicare

Facing despair and fear, how can hope be found? Journey through Lent with this study, and explore this and other questions as our God of compassion inspires us to expand our horizons and build hope, joy and community.

Jesus shocked and scandalised his society through his radical willingness to sit with the outcast, eat with rich sinners, and denounce the most righteous for hypocrisy, reminding all of God’s priorities of justice, compassion and mercy. His message inspired a community that
recognised Jesus came for all the world.

Jesus’ life, death and resurrection and the letters of the early church guide us in engaging with compassion in today’s society: in our parish, in our Anglican communion, nationally, and intergenerationally.

Available in electronic** (free) and printed (nominal cost) versions from https://anglicancg.org.au/news-and-events/publications/


Global Neighbour Bible Study**

Uniting World – Lenten bible studies

A seven-part Bible study for Lent to reflect on how we can partner with the global church for justice.

These studies are an exploration of what the Bible says about some key issues in global mission. They aim to help you explore a model of mission partnership that is respectful, mutual and life giving. Available via free download or order full-colour A5 booklets.

Buy Hard Copies (40-page, full colour A5 booklets) or Free Download (40-page, printable PDF)

available from https://donate.unitingworld.org.au/event/lent-event/bible-study 


‘God Was On Both Sides Of The Beach’ **

Anglican Board of Mission (ABM)

First ABM online study, ‘God Was On Both Sides Of The Beach’, an exploration of the 150th anniversary of the ‘Coming of the Light’ celebration.

Presented online by ABM Education Missioner, Steve Daughtry, the studies will be available to interact with via Facebook, YouTube and Vimeo. Listen, learn – then pause the presentation to discuss the questions and share what you’ve discovered.

The voices we will be hearing will be those of (among others) Queensland Anglicans, Aunty Dr Rose Elu, (who has been recently been awarded Queensland Senior Australian of the Year 2021) and the Rev’d Canon Victor Joseph.

Spend time ‘sitting’ with Aunty Rose and Victor as they help us understand the history, the present and the future of the Indigenous church in a unique way.

The studies will be available online during Lent. A sign-up link will appear on ABM page prior to Lent. 


"Awakening My Faith" Head to Heart to Hands - Practicing faith in our time.

Grassroots Lent Study Book 2021

Written by Bishop Jeremy Greaves Anglican Bishop of Brisbane Northern Region

This series of Lenten studies will lead participants in a journey through the Year ‘B’ Gospel.

When Jesus called the first disciples he did not have them learn great tomes of doctrine and dogma, he asked them to do something. From the very beginning Christians were known for what they did and how they lived more than for what they believed. The ‘people of the Way’ knew how to practice the faith.

The journey of Lent invites us to explore what it might mean for us to practice faith in our time.

This study invites participants to explore six different Christians practices over the course of six weeks to begin that journey that so many of us find so difficult from head to heart to hands.

 Cost $ 9.95 plus postage  http://www.grassroots.com.au/Studybooks/StudyBk.htm 


The Poet's Gospel: A Gospel in Blank Verse with Rhymed Parables**

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

A Lent study for these unorthodox and strange times. 

This gospel version, written in verse, is the outcome of a deep engagement with God in Christ. To listen to the sound files of this gospel being read out loud is to be taken onto a journey with someone who has clearly walked and experienced all of life’s contours. 

CTBI has partnered with John Alan Davis and his family to produce The Poets Gospel, and is making the sound files available along with a hardcopy book and an e-book in order to engage with this journey.

Lent booklet https://ctbi.org.uk/lent-study-2021/ 

Poets Gospel introductions  The Poet’s Gospel – introduction to chosen sections (PDF, 8.8MB)  https://ctbi.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/INTRODUCTIONS_NOCROPS.pdf 

The Poet’s Gospel – Hardcopy Book - Buy from the Church House Bookshop - £13.49  https://chbookshop.hymnsam.co.uk/books/TPG/the-poets-gospel-a-gospel-in-blank-verse-with-rhymed-parables 


2021 Lenten Study: I Saw a Lamb - the Cross in Revelation

Michael Raiter

In these 40 daily devotions, Michael Raiter reminds readers of the God of the Bible who made the world and brings relief in an age where many feel hopeless and anxious about the future. Using the book of Revelation, we are introduced to the Lamb of God who is the Lord Jesus, who has been exalted and given authority over all things. Michael explains the simple but profound message of comfort that the book of Revelation brings to the Church, while also exploring God's word on deeper levels. Perfect as a preparation for Lent, or at any other time of the year. 

Paperback|Sep 2020 $11.99 

Available to purchase on www.koorong.com


Lent 2021: To Live Anew

Joan Chittister- Lent Guide 

“Lent is a summons to live anew,” writes Joan Chittister. But how do you do that? In six brief but powerful reflections on one of the Sunday readings, Sister Joan offers insight into how “living anew” might look in these extraordinary times of pandemic and political upheaval. She also introduces six companions—one for each week of Lent—to walk with you during these 40 days of spiritual renewal. 

Discussion questions are provided for each week, along with colourful artwork by Marcy Hall, making this 8-page (8X11) publication ideal for either personal or group reflection.

Cost: $4.00, 10/$30.00 USD Price INCLUDES shipping and handling (U.S. addresses only)

Purchase: https://store.benetvision.org/le20tolian.html 

Titles marked with ** indicate that cost free versions are availble. Others may include a purchase price and postage.  

Other websites that have Lenten resources you may like to visit are:








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