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Interfaith Events - Melbourne

Abrahamic faithx150

Panel discussion

“Islam in a secular Society: Individualism vs Communitarianism” 31 July
Many Muslims now live as citizens in Western secular societies where there is a separation of religion from the state.

The Australian Intercultural Society (AIS) invites you to attend this event.

Panel and discussion
Date: Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Venue: AIS - Ground Floor, 441 St Kilda Road, Melbourne
Cost: FREE
Registration: https://rsapanel.eventbrite.com.au

Islam has been put under the microscope ever since 9/11. Muslims have been asked to explain the true teachings of their faith and clarify many aspects of it that seem puzzling to the neutral eye. Many Muslims are now living as citizens in Western secular societies such as Australia, where there is a separation of religion from the state. These societies are liberal and promote individual rights: the rights to belief and non-belief, freedom of thought, equal treatment of women, socially and economically to name a few. In this setting, can a Muslim truly be a part of society, or are there faith-based beliefs preventing this ? Are there any clashes with Islamic teachings which curb an individual’s rights of belief, non-belief and having unlimited freedom of speech ?

Moderator: the former Religion Editor of The Age newspaper Mr Barney Zwartz

Hear the following panellists address these topics and more:

  • Ms Tasneem Chopra
  • Dr Meredith Doig
  • Dr Paul Monk
  • Associate Professor Mehmet Ozalp


JMCA Winter Conference

"Listening to God and to each other: Prayer and Dialogue” 29-30 July
Explore the meaning of prayer and learn the skills we need to listen to one another with respect.

The Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia invites registrations to attend their 2018 Annual Winter Conference.

Date: Sunday 29 and Monday 30 July
Time: 1:00pm – 5:30pm
Venue: Don Bosco Retreat Centre, 465 Lysterfield Road, Lysterfield 
Cost: Sunday seminar by donation, full registration $160 + booking fee includes accommodation
Registration: online - https://jcmawc2018.eventbrite.com.au

The key to interreligious dialogue is listening. We ask ‘Does God answer my prayer?’, but are we listening for God's answer? And how can we listen to each other, if our ears are closed?

Guest speakers on Sunday afternoon are:

  • John Dupuche (Christian – on Listening to God in Prayer),
  • Gabbi Sar Shalom (Jewish – On listening to God and Each Other in Pastoral Care), and
  • Monique Toohey (Muslim – on Listening to Each Other in Interpersonal Communication).

The Monday program will focus on three passages of Scripture, from the Gospels, the Torah and the Qur’an.

Download the JMCA 2018 Winter Conference flyer to distribute to your networks.

Veiw the provisonal Conference program here.

Annual Sr Shirley Sedawie Oration

"The Contribution of Jewish-Christian Dialogue in a World of Fundamentalism and Political Extremism" by Rev’d Dr Michael Trainor AM

Presentation followed by Kosher afternoon tea
Date:  Sunday 5 August
Time: 3:00pm
Venue: Temple Beth Israel, 76-82 Alma Road, St Kilda
Registration: please advise attendance by contacting the CCJ office 326 Church Street, Richmond 3121; Tel: 9429 5212 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rev’d Dr Michael Trainor is senior lecturer in biblical studies with the Australian Catholic University. His area of specialisation is the study of the New Testament with particular focus on the gospels and their relevance for our contemporary world. Michael is Co-Chair of the Uniting Church-Roman Catholic Dialogue of South Australia, Co-Chair of the South Australian Council of Christians and Jews, current President of the Australian Catholic Biblical Association, Chair of the Australian Council of Christians and Jews, and Executive Board member of the International Council of Christians and Jews. In 2007 Michael received an Order of Australia (AM) for his services to theology, archaeology and inter-faith relations. His latest books include ‘Earth’s Child: An Ecological Listening to the Gospel of Luke’ (2012-Sheffield Press), ‘The Body of Jesus and Sexual Abuse: How the Gospel Passion Narratives inform a Pastoral Response’ (Wipf & Stock, 2015), and, most recently, co-authored with Prof. Paul Babie of Adelaide University Law School, ‘Owning and Consuming: Neo-Liberalism and the Biblical Voice’ (Routledge, 2018)

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