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July 2018 Issue 1


Bishop Philip Huggins sends his greetings from Box Hill Town Hall Melbourne where the 15th Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia is being held. He is honoured by the gracious invitation to join the meeting with our Uniting Church friends as they meet to discern and reach out in faith.

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Thank you to Stuart McMillan for his fellowship with us as President of the Uniting Church in Australia and for chairing the meeting of National Church leaders. 

As he returns to his beloved 'Top End', may Stuart and his family enjoy grace and peace in the embrace of the local community.



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The Religious Society of Friends Australia (Quakers) are currently holding their Yearly Meeting on the Central Coast of NSW. The meeting brings together Friends across the nation for a week in a time of reflective discernment. 

Because of her, We can!

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Have you marked NAIDOC (National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee) Week this year?

It may be almost over but there are still events being held across the nation to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


How many slaves work for you?

Slavery in the free world. Take the challenge!

Go to slaveryfootprint.org and follow the arrows to discover more and take the survey.


The Living the Change campaign aims to inspire people to make earth-friendly lifestyle choices, and join these with those of thousands of other believers globally. Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) is especially appealing for faith community leaders to champion Living the Change in their communities.


 “World Churches Walking Together”

Emily Evans, WCC Executive, Central Committee Member and a member of the Uniting Church in Australia, reflects on her meeting with Pope Francis and the journey of unity with the World Council of Churches.

We have learned over 70 years that human endeavours often fail, but that the grace of the God who is always faithful is with us and will bring to fulfilment the prayer of Jesus “that they may be one”. 

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Wednesday 22 August 2018, 3.00-5.00pm

Bishop Angaelos, Moderator of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, and Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London will be speaking at NCCA-NSWEC offices, Level 7, 379 Kent Street Sydney.

World Council of Churches

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WCC Calls for release of archbishops of Aleppo
The World Council of Churches Central Committee issued a statement reiterating its grave concern regarding the alarming and rapidly deteriorating situation of Christians in the Middle East. 

South Sudanese churches welcome top leader’s agreement, but warn conflict has expanded
The signing of a permanent ceasefire agreement by the main rivals has been welcomed by South Sudanese churches.


Executive Committee call for a Wider and Contextual Ecumenism

The CCA Executive Committee met at the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia in Antelias, Lebanon from 1 to 4 July 2018. The meeting was hosted by the Armenian Orthodox Church in Iran, a CCA member church from the West Asia region.

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Abraham Conference 2018 - Parramatta NSW 

Pillars of Peace - Jews, Christians and Muslims working together - Sunday 5 August, Parramatta NSW

Don’t miss out on this premier Abrahamic interfaith event in Sydney - book your tickets now!

Abrahamic faithx150Panel discussion -  “Islam in a secular Society: Individualism vs Communitarianism”, 6-8pm Tuesday 31 July 2018
Many Muslims now live as citizens in Western secular societies where there is a separation of religion from the state.

JMCA Winter Conference - "Listening to God and to each other: Prayer and Dialogue”, Sunday 29-Monday 30 July 2018
Explore the meaning of prayer and learn the skills we need to listen to one another with respect.

Annual Sr Shirley Sedawie Oration, 6pm Sunday 5 August 2018
"The Contribution of Jewish-Christian Dialogue in a World of Fundamentalism and Political Extremism" by Rev’d Dr Michael Trainor AM


8-15  NAIDOC Week
14   Proclamation of ATSI flags as official flags of Australia - 1995
26  Emancipation Bill approved, abolishing slavery throughout British Empire - 1833
29  National Tree Day
30  World Day Against Trafficking in Persons


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