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World Day Against Trafficking in Humans

 WDHTHow many slaves work for you?

Slavery in the free world. Take the challenge!

Go to slaveryfootprint.org and follow the arrows to discover more and take the survey.



Letter to the Editor: The Age Wednesday 4 July 2018

Subject: Independent Modern Slavery Commissioner.

Looking after the poor

Dear Editor,

Andrew Forrest is giving outstanding leadership as regards eradicating modern slavery. ( The Age ,3 July).

As he insists , the legislation before our Federal Parliament requires the addition of an Independent Modern Slavery Commissioner. That addition will ensure all the current good will is consistently implemented in the future.

The legislation will then be a partnership between Government and Business which is truly civilising: the most powerful looking after poor and vulnerable people!

Amidst much bleak daily news, this is wonderful national leadership!


Bishop Philip Huggins.

President, National Council of Churches of Australia.


ACRATH Appeal Launched

Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) hopes to raise more than $100,000 in the lead up to World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on July 30.


The money will help ACRATH maintain vital programs to combat human trafficking, especially forced marriage and forced labour. ACRATH’s grant from the Federal Government runs out on June 30 2018. ACRATH President Noelene Simmons SM says: ‘Our mission is unchanged and the need is greater than ever – we must eradicate modern slavery and help the victims and survivors of human trafficking recover and thrive.’ For information on how to make donations visit the ACRATH website page https://acrath.org.au/acrath-needs-your-help/ 

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