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Message from the NCCA President


Bishop Philip Huggins sends his greetings from Box Hill Town Hall Melbourne where the 15th Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA) is being held. He is honoured by the gracious invitation to join the meeting with our Uniting Church friends as they meet to discern and reach out in faith.

Abundant Grace, Liberating Hope is the theme of the 15th Assembly meeting which brings together the national council of the UCA to hear matters of doctrine, worship, government and discipline. It is also a time when the church says farewell to the outgoing President, Stuart McMillan and welcomes Dr Deidre Palmer as President till 2021.

The NCCA President was present at the opening worship service held on Sunday 8 July which included the installation of the 15th President, Dr Deidre Palmer. In preparation for the 15th Assembly Dr Deidre Palmer interviewed all the past Presidents of the Uniting Church and asked "What is your prayer for the Uniting Church in Australia?". These prayers were included in the opening worship service.

Dr Palmer's prayer for the church:
Gracious and loving God,
We thank you for the Uniting Church in Australia, for the ways your Spirit has empowered us to participate in Your liberating mission in the world.
Renew our life as your church May your Holy Spirit continue to fill us with courage and passion for Christ’s mission so that we will be bearers of God’s good news of love, compassion, justice and healing in your world. Through Christ we pray. Amen. 

 UCA AGLH  UCA 15 Pres.x300 
 Uniting Church Assembly President, Deidre Palmer 
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