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ARRCC Living the Change


The Living the Change campaign aims to inspire people to make earth-friendly lifestyle choices, and join these with those of thousands of other believers globally. Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) is especially appealing for faith community leaders to champion Living the Change in their communities.

The Living the Change campaign aims to inspire people to make earth-friendly lifestyle choices and join these with those of thousands of other believers globally. ARRCC is a multi-faith organisation taking the lead on this in Australia. We are especially appealing for religious leaders to champion Living the Change in their communities.

If you’re an interested religious leader, please contact Thea Ormerod, ARRCC President, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0405 293 466.

This is a multi-faith global campaign which draws on our spiritual beliefs and values to inspire lifestyle choices which, taken together with the actions of others, will help limit global warming.

Rather than preaching or lists of things to do, people's personal testimonies will tell the story. Believers are each being asked to consider a high-impact lifestyle choice which they can confidently pledge online, in the three areas of plant-based diet, earth-friendly transport and energy use.

Each of our spiritual traditions offers teachings and values about living simply and caring for the vulnerable. Today, we know that climate disruption is hurting the already vulnerable most, and that Western greed is a large part of the problem. Consumerism tells us we never have “enough”.

Living the Change calls on people of faith to lead in a global effort to re-set what is regarded as enough. We want to promote lifestyles of gratitude for life’s blessings, lifestyles of care for the earth and all who depend on it. And we're creating a movement to challenge the consumerism which fuels the climate crisis.

We will encourage pledges to reduce our impacts, in the areas of:
• Eating less meat
• Using cars & air travel less
• energy efficiency & using clean energy

We will then add up the carbon emissions avoided and together celebrate our collective achievements at special interfaith gatherings in October.

Leaders of faith are encouraged to promote voluntary actions within their own faith communities. A pledge mechanism and other resources will progressively be made available on the ARRCC website over the coming months. If you’re interested in learning more, see https://www.arrcc.org.au/living_the_change

Or contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ph: 02 9150 9713

Find out more about ARRCC, visit their website.

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