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June 2018 Issue 1


“When a 70 year old nun who loves God and the Filipino people is seen as a threat , who has the problem?

Un-expectantly, Sr Pat’s faithful witness and our global solidarity, is an opportunity for current Filipino leaders to wake up to their own deepest truth and become leaders who are a real blessing. 

Ration Challenge 2018

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Refugee Week is almost here!

Sunday 17 June - Saturday 23 June 2018

Sign up now for the Ration Challenge, during Refugee Week.

Take the challenge. Show refugees you are with them and not against them.


17 June – 23 June 2018

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Today, more than ever, we need a global movement to demand that the safety and rights of refugees are protected. 



Following the Ecumenical Prayer Service Melbourne CBD, Saturday 2 June 2018, there are further plans in progress to support and advocate for the continuation of mission work in the Philippines.

Letters of support for Sr Pat and related events will be strengthened by an intended visit to the Philippine Ambassador in Canberra.


A VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS: Listening to the Statement from the Heart is now available

The Anglican Board of Mission (ABM) has released this study guide to assist the church listen to the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

This is a valuable study guide intended for individuals and groups. It is written by Celia Kemp. The wonderful illustrations are done by Reconciliation Coordinator Artist, The Reverend Glenn Loughrey. 

CG logoVideo message for Reconciliation from Brooke Prentice of Common Grace

We are invited to rethink our idea of Reconciliation and instead, think of it as the Aboriginal hand of friendship being extended to you.

 “Our nation needs healing, but that healing can’t happen from one side. It requires friendship.” Brooke Prentice 

mptyhx150Newcastle Deans share their faith with sincerity and humour

(Ecumenism is alive and laughing in Newcastle, NSW)

Anglican Dean Katherine Bowyer and Catholic Dean Andrew Doohan share a working relationship that sends a positive and hopeful message to a community in great need of the balm of God's Grace.



WoDx150Book now for the Women of Diversity Dinner 2018

The Dinner is open to women of all ages and backgrounds. 

When: Saturday 28 July 2018, 6:30 - 10:00pm

Where: The Emporium Function Centre, 258 South Terrace corner of West Terrace, Bankstown, NSW 


7-26 October 2018

Meet Areej Masoud, a Palestinian Christian born in Bethlehem. Find out why she has travelled so far to share her stories with Australians. 

Our Works - EAPPI

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programe in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) is a program coordinated by the World Council of Churches that brings international volunteers to the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Volunteers come for 3 months placements as Ecumenical Accompaniers.

Become an Ecumenical Accompanier (EA) today!

Applications are now open.

World Council of Churches 

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Global Day of Prayer to End Famine 10 June 2018

The WCC, World Evangelical Alliance and All Africa Conference of Churches, and a coalition of other partners call us to join the Global Day of Prayer to End Famine.

Pope Francis to visit the WCC

The Papal Ecumenical Pilgrimage to the World Council of Churches will take place in Geneva on 21 June 2018.



CCA observes International AIDS Candlelight Memorial

The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), together with the Church of Christ in Thailand, held a Sunday service on 20 May 2018 at the Chang Kham Church in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Prayers, songs and personal testimonies focused on the theme ‘Reflecting on our Past, Preparing for our Future’.

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