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Our Works - EAPPI

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programe in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) is a program coordinated by the World Council of Churches that brings international volunteers to the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Volunteers come for 3 months placements as Ecumenical Accompaniers.

Become an Ecumenical Accompanier (EA) today!

Applications are now open.

“When I wear this vest showing the EAPPI logo, it sends a message that churches don’t forget that people are suffering here.”
Christina, Accompanier based in Bethlehem.

EAPPI Newsletter ImageYou’ll no doubt have seen the recent violence unfolding in Palestine and Israel, including the worst loss of life for Palestinians since the Gaza conflict in 2014. More than ever, this highlights the urgent need for peaceful, nonviolent support.

Jesus brought healing and wholeness to people, and calls us to feed the hungry, heal the sick and welcome the stranger. “Love one another, as I have loved you,” is his simple, beautiful answer to the problems of the world.

It’s a call to action that has as much relevance and potential for transformation now as it did when Jesus walked among us. It’s a reminder to help those in need by following in the footsteps of Jesus.

Our Church leaders have a vision for peace across the world, and are active in communities where peace is threatened. One such area in need of support is Palestine, where every day, persecution and human rights abuses destroy people’s lives and fuel conflict in the Holy Land.

The Church desires a just peace, where people living in Palestine and Israel can live with freedom, dignity and security based on international law and human rights. As such, when local churches in Bethlehem and Jerusalem asked for solidarity from the global Christian community, the World Council of Churches responded by establishing a program called EAPPI – Ecumenical Accompaniment Program for Palestine and Israel.

EAPPI stands with both Israeli and Palestinian peace and human rights groups, focused on engaging in peaceful strategies and non-violence. Specifically, the program sends Accompaniers to spend three months working alongside local communities in Palestine. They perform duties that include; walking children to school to prevent harassment, attending and reporting on home demolitions, accompanying Palestinian farmers to their fields, and observing at checkpoints. Due to the peaceful presence of Accompaniers, local communities have reported a significant impact in the reduction of violence.

There are now 23 countries involved in EAPPI worldwide. In Australia, EAPPI is managed by a volunteer Committee and Act for Peace.

We are currently recruiting volunteers and looking for passionate people like you to join us.

To find out more, visit: https://www.actforpeace.org.au/Take-action/EAPPI

Thank you in advance for your support in this vital mission!


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