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Sharing God's Grace

mptyhx150Newcastle Deans share their faith with sincerity and humour

(Ecumenism is alive and laughing in Newcastle, NSW)

Anglican Dean Katherine Bowyer and Catholic Dean Andrew Doohan share a working relationship that sends a positve and hopeful message to a community in great need of the balm of God's Grace.

The two Deans, their work and relationship with the Newcastle community feature in an article published on 2 June by mnnews.today

Katherine says, “Our working together and sharing a good relationship sends a powerful message to the city that this is what faith is about.”

The article begins:

It’s not a prerequisite that the respective Deans of the Newcastle cathedral churches – Christ Church Anglican Cathedral and Sacred Heart Catholic Cathedral – are aficionados of the gospel according to Monty Python, but in the case of Dean Katherine Bowyer and Dean Andrew Doohan, it certainly helps!

To read the full article Icons of God's Grace visit mnnews.today

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