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Christians Leaders comment on the new App

NCCA's President, Bishop Philip Huggins and a variety of Christian Church leaders throughout Australia have expressed their thoughts on the new App. 

The Eternity News published these varying opinions in an article on 27 April 2020. 

Bishop Philip Huggins, President, National Council of Churches in Australia 

“For all the good reasons given and because of a personal experience, I downloaded the App as soon as it was available, commended it to family and friends and took it on my bike ride this morning! ( No pings yet!). The personal experience? A couple of weeks back, I was asked to pray for and anoint a person near death. Turned out, the day before the person had been visited by someone from interstate who, immediately after returning interstate was diagnosed positive with COVID19. I saw, firsthand the stress this caused in multiple families, including my own. I also saw the complexity of trying to work out, after the event, all those contacts the traveller from interstate had made. The App is a wonderful technology to further minimise suffering, thanks be to God.”

Read the full article Is COVIDSafe safe: Christians comment on the new App with messages from the following:

  • Keith Jobberns, National Ministries Director, Australian Baptist Ministries
  • Tim Costello, Executive Director of Micah Australia, Senior fellow at Centre for Public Christianity
  • Glenn Davies, Anglican Archbishop of Sydney
  • Neville Naden, Bush Church Aid Indigenous Ministry Officer
  • David Robertson, Director of Third Space, a Christian evangelism organisation
  • Commissioners Robert and Janine Donaldson, Salvation Army Australia
  • Eddie Ozols, Acting CEO Anglican Aid
  • Geoff Broughton, Theological Lecturer and Pastoral Supervisor
  • Neil James Foster, Associate Professor of Law, Newcastle University
  • Wayne Alcorn, National President, Australian Christian Churches
  • Megan Powell du Toit, Baptist Minister and Eternity podcast co-host
  • Martyn Iles, Managing Director of the Australian Christian lobby
  • Steve Chong, co-founder and director of RICE Movement



The Prime Minister has asked Australians to encourage others to download the COVIDSafe App, if they haven’t already done so.

The Government has shared with us some resources they have developed. If you are considering encouraging members of your community to download the App, these resources may be useful. 

The resources are designed to be used in Facebook posts, newsletters, posters and so on, and are accessible through the Health Department’s website: https://www.health.gov.au/resources/collections/covidsafe-app-campaign-resources 

Please feel free to use them or to encourage your members of your community to use them if you think they will assist. 

The APP comes with an assurance that the strongest possible protections for privacy have been included and it is considered an extremely valuable tool to assist in fighting the coronavirus.

While all Australians are strongly encouraged to download it there is absolutely no compulsion. Please remember, that the App remains completely voluntary


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