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May 2020 Issue 1

gsAnnouncement from Bishop Philip Huggins, NCCA President

On behalf of the NCCA Board, with prayerful gratitude, I can now convey the appointment of Ms. Elizabeth Stone as our next General Secretary.

24 – 31 May 2020


“They showed us unusual kindness”  (Acts 28:2)


Updated resources now available: Sermon notes, poster and prayer cards


Gospel Reflection on John 14:1-14,  EASTER 5: Sunday 10 May.

"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.” St Augustine

A message from the Moderator of the  Pacific Conference of Churches  

Rev. Dr. Tevita Havea: 

The Story of our Pacific Household in the ‘New Normal’

Training update - Grooming Awareness

Three new safeguarding webinars available from the NCCA and Catholic Professional Standards (CPSL). We have worked collaboratively to design resources to help faith communities across Australia keep children safe and protected in faith organisations.


It is obvious COVID-19 has rendered the vulnerable much more vulnerable. 

Notes by Bishop Huggins from webinars hosted by Christian Conference of Asia:

  • 30 April 2020 - The Plight of Migrant Workers During the COVID-19 Crisis 
  • 7 May 2020 - How Churches in Asia are responding to the COVID-19 Crisis 

ACRTx150Who misses out on access to COVID-19 safety net

  • Victorian support for people on temporary visas
  • ACOSS Briefing
  • #NobodyLeftBehind

Two funding opportunities are available for Christian women 

  • ADM’s Annual Funding Event - deadline extended to 21 May 2020
  • ADM Fellowships - Applications opening soon 

14 May 2020

People of faith around the world are encouraged to pray for global relief. 

In response to the Covid-19 crisis, the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity has called for a day of “prayer and supplication” to God for an end to the pandemic.  


Christians Leaders comment on the new App

NCCA's President, Bishop Philip Huggins and a variety of Christian Church leaders throughout Australia have expressed their thoughts on the new App. 

Embracing the Other 

This resource has been produced by a team from Churches Together in England. It is a valuable tool for those considering organising a course on Receptive Ecumenism for groups of people from different church traditions.

13sNationwide Multi Faith Service for the Climate 15 May 2020.

Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) invites you to be at the forefront of climate action in Australia. In this time of extreme adversity, people of faith can join together in the spirit of love, reverence and compassion.


Migrant workers bear the brunt of the COVID-19 crisis

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic that the world is grappling with today, the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) initiated a series of virtual conferences focusing on pertinent issues and challenges related to the COVID-19 crisis.

RtlkRamadan Conversations 

You are invited to tune into the online "Ramadan Conversations" organised by Affinity. Episodes are to be broadcast live throughout Ramadan between 7-8 pm AEST

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