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The journey of Pacific people

A message from the Moderator of the  Pacific Conference of Churches  

Rev. Dr. Tevita Havea: 

The Story of our Pacific Household in the ‘New Normal’

We cannot be where we wish to be unless we reframe and script a story about ourselves, who we are and our journey as people of the Pacific in the ‘new normal’

The year 2020 will mark a turning point in the history of our islands; from how we understand ecumenism, ecology and politics to development. This is our story, as Pacific churches leaders, to our members, and to our political and traditional leaders in the ‘Household of God in the Pacific’.

Please read the full message from the Moderator of the PCC, Rev. Dr. Tevita Havea on the journey of Pacific people towards the 'new normal". 


Dear Sisters and Brothers, Comrades, Colleagues and Partners,

Warm greetings from the Pacific Conference of Churches Secretariat! 

It is our hope that this message will offer some insight and hope, as well as challenge you in the new story that we, as Pacific communities, have the opportunity to write. 

May you have a blessed weekend.  In Peace,

Rev. James Bhagwan

General Secretary, Pacific Conference of Churches 



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