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NCCA welcomes new General Secretary

Announcement from Bishop Philip Huggins, NCCA President

On behalf of the NCCA Board, with prayerful gratitude, I can now convey the appointment of Ms. Elizabeth Stone as our next General Secretary.

Liz, as you will know, has been our part- time Interim General Secretary this past while.

Her warmth and skilled contribution, her executive abilities and her ecumenical heart will now stay with us. 

Liz, we should pause to note with gratitude, will be giving some of the most vital years of her vocational life to this task.

As it happened, the appointment process was well advanced before the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic was as vivid as it is now. It is beneficial; however, that Liz’s appointment will give us continuity and stability through this complex time.

We will look for future opportunities for Liz’s Commissioning Service but, meanwhile, let’s all support Liz with our prayers.

Obviously, because of COVID-19, the period ahead will continue to be demanding for Australia and for all in our Asia Pacific Region.

Our NCCA Member Churches will be stretched because the needs will continue to be great, at every level.

Faithfully, we journey on together, knowing the grace of our Risen Lord Jesus is with us.

Today we especially give thanks that in Liz Stone we have a gifted, good-hearted, faithful soul who has responded to this call and now begins as our NCCA General Secretary. 

With prayers and peaceful greetings, +Philip. 

Bishop Philip Huggins.

President, National Council of Churches in Australia 


 “And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.” Jeremiah 3:15



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