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The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT)


Victorian support 

Following the Tasmanian Government announcement, we are delighted to hear that the Victorian Government is also willing to support people on temporary visas.

Read the Guardian article -https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/apr/30/victoria-latest-state-to-help-temporary-migrants-excluded-from-federal-coronavirus-support 

ACOSS Briefing

Who misses out on access to Australia’s safety net under Covid19 

Find out how misses out - https://www.acoss.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Who-misses-out-Briefing-ACCESSIBLE-FINAL.pdf  

Refugee Council of Australia -#NobodyLeftBehind 

Let us call on the Federal government to take a number of bold actions to improve individual situations and reduce health risks to the broader community:

  1. Move people urgently out of crowded immigration detention facilities:
  2. Ensure a financial safety net and Medicare access for all in Australia, including people seeking asylum and refugees
  3. Prevent people losing legal status and access to support
  4. Move refugees and people seeking asylum from PNG and Nauru 
  5. Ensure that refugees on temporary SHEV visas are not penalised in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

Can you help us send a message to our elected representatives that they cannot forget people seeking asylum and refugees during the COVID-19 pandemic? 

How to get involved in this advocacy work

To support the direct lobbying of MPs and Senators on these matters, the Refugee Council of Australia are calling on their supporters to contact their local MP to ensure they are aware of the gap in the government’s coronavirus support package for people seeking asylum. We call upon the government to ensure access to Medicare and financial support for people seeking asylum if in need. This reflects the situation for other residents in Australia. It will help prevent destitution, homelessness and severe illness.

You can help by contacting your local MP and asking them to raise these matters with the relevant Ministers and party spokespeople.

Contact your local MP today.  Email your MP - Covid-19 response for people seeking asylum and refugees 

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