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White Ribbon Day 2018

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International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women - 25 November 

Churches and religious organisations can play an important role in breaking the cycle of violence which is so prevalent in Australia. You can assist by raising awareness of this issue, understanding when and how to offer support, and addressing attitudes which perpetuate violence against women. 

Please visit White Ribbon Australia’s website for further resources and other helpful information.


Our Watch has released a new campaign -  Doing nothing does harm

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The Doing nothing does harm campaign aims to empower people to do something when they witness disrespect towards women to ultimately help to prevent violence against women.The campaign is targeted at women and men aged 25-35, who can recognise disrespect towards women but need motivation to move from recognition to action.

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The advertising includes a series of five videos set at dinner among friends. One of the male friends at the dinner table makes inappropriate and disrespectful comments about women.  The viewer has the opportunity to intervene in each video and do something, using new interactive video functionality. This interventionwill see a different ending to the video where one of the friends at the table does something to challenge the disrespectful behaviour.

You can watch the campaign videos here.

One the key messages of the campaign is that there are different ways people can do something when they see disrespect towards women. We want people to remember the 3 Ss when thinking about what they could do:

  • Show: You can show your disapproval with body language, you don’t always need to say something. 
  • Support: You can support the woman/women in the situation.  
  • Speak up: You can speak up and talk to the disrespectful person about their behaviour. 

Visit the campaign website at www.doingnothingdoesharm.org.au to find out more information on the 3 Ss.

The campaign will run across online and outdoor channels from today until June 2019.  Share this campaign with your social media followers using the hashtag #dosomething.

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