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November 2018 Issue 1


As we enter the final month of spring and prepare for summer we are reminded of the joys and challenges that the coming season will bring. We are buoyed with the expectation of summer holidays, lazy days at the beach and the joyous season of Advent but we also prepare for harsh summer sun and the threat of bushfires.


Bishop Huggins retired from his position as Assistant Bishop in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne in mid October 2018.

He was farewelled with much love and affection by the people of his Diocese, including Archbishop Philip Freier, Archbishop of Melbourne and national leader of the Anglican Church of Australia.

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At the Annual General Meeting on 30 October 2018, The Interim General Secretary presented an Annual Review for 2017-2018 relating to the activities and programs of the National Council of Churches in Australia.

eremos logo 150x150What is the spiritual connection to land for Aboriginal People in Australia?
Workshop facilitated by Gamilaroi man Charlie Trindall

Date: Saturday 10 November, 1:30-3:00pm.
Venue: Rosebank College, Five Dock, corner of Queens Road and Harris Road, NSW

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"Australia and the Global Compact on Migration" 

DATE: Monday 12 November 2018, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm AEDT
LOCATION: Baker McKenzie Sydney Office, Level 46, Tower One - International Towers Sydney, 100 Barangaroo Avenue Sydney, NSW 

The global compact relates to all forms of migration. This forum will be of interest to those who are concerned about vulnerable migrant populations and those at risk of forced migration through human trafficking and the effects of climate change.

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Administrative Officer, The Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue 

An energetic full time Administrative Officer. Candidates will have high level organisational, administration and computer literacy skills....

Last days for applications. Closing Sunday 11 November 2018 at 5 pm AEST.

Share God's love through the Christmas Bowl 2018

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As Christians, we are called respond to, and faithfully live out, the Gospel call to be generous in our love, and to participate in God’s mission to bring healing, wholeness and hope to those facing hardship and injustice. This year, your gifts through the Christmas Bowl will provide Rohingya families with urgently needed shelter, medical care and support.

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Indian Orthodox Church Wattle Grove

The NCCA congratulates Father Thomas Varghese of St Thomas' Indian Orthodox Church on serving his congregation for 20 years. Father Varghese was ordained in October 1998 and has faithfully served his church and its people over the many years since his migration to Australia. His story is one of dedication and inspiration. 



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International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women - 25 November 

Churches and religious organisations can play an important role in breaking the cycle of violence which is so prevalent in Australia. You can assist by raising awareness of this issue, understanding when and how to offer support, and addressing attitudes which perpetuate violence against women.


Week of Living the Change celebrations

The forecasts from the recent IPCC Special Report are dire, yet like the Hebrew prophets of old, there are people in our midst calling for hope and action “for everything is possible with God.”


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Improving policy, practice and public support

Early bird tickets are now available

When: 19-20 February 2019
Where: University of South Australia, City West Campus, Adelaide, SA



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'Armistice Day Pacifism Convocation'
Remembering Charles Strong - Pioneer Pacifist
When: Sunday 11 November 2018
Where: Christ Church Uniting and Effective Living Centre, 26 King William Rd, Wayville
Time: 10.00am Peace Service

Book Launch - Receptive Ecumenism: Listening, Learning and Loving in the Way of Christ 
Editors Vicky Balabanski and Geraldine Hawkes
When: Friday 16 November 2018 
Where: Uniting College, Brooklyn Park, SA
Time: 9.45am - 10.45am


JMCA Education Program - Developing Cultural Capabilites in Schools
Thursday 15th November, arrive 6.45pm for 7.00pm start
Where: Cathedral Room, Cardinal Knox Centre, 383 Albert Street, East Melbourne VIC 

Affinity Intercultural  A+ Youth Lecture “The Power of Silence in Creating Social Change”
When: Wednesday 21 November 2018  6:00pm-8:00pm
Where: Affinity Intercultural Foundation, Level 5, Suite 502, 51-57 Pitt Street Sydney NSW

Book Launch - Josey Lacey OAM's An Inevitable Path a Memoir
Sunday 25 November 2018 3:00 pm
Sydney Jewish Museum, 148 Darlinghurst Road, Darlinghurst Sydney NSW 


1 All Saints Day
4 Anglican - Roman Catholic Reconciliation
5 World Tsunami Awareness Day
7 Diwali (Hinduism)
11 Remembrance (Armistace) Day
16  International Day of Tolerance


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