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Our Churches in the news

Fr t v

Indian Orthodox Church Wattle Grove

The NCCA congratulates Father Thomas Varghese of St Thomas' Indian Orthodox Church on serving his congregation for 20 years. Father Varghese was ordained in October 1998 and has faithfully served his church and its people over the many years since his migration to Australia. His story is one of dedication and inspiration.  

Father Varghese was ordained in 1998 as the first parish priest of Sydney's Indian Orthodox Church. The Indian Orthodox tradition is over 2000 years old and can trace its origin to St Thomas, the apostle of Jesus, who came to India in AD 52 and set up seven churches.

Last month the Sydney based newspaper, The Liverpool Champion, honoured Father Varghese with an article on his life and commitment to the church and his fellow worshippers. We recommend that you read this article and take a look at the wonderful photo collection of Father Thomas's dedicated career.

Read the Liverpool Champion article Indian Orthodox Church Wattle Grove: Migrant Father Thomas continues to inspire 20 years on.


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