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Anglican Diocese of Melbourne says farewell to Bishop Philip Huggins


Bishop Huggins retired from his position as Assistant Bishop in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne in mid October 2018. He was farewelled with much love and affection by the people of his Diocese, including Archbishop Philip Freier, Archbishop of Melbourne and national leader of the Anglican Church of Australia. 

Bishop Philip and his wife Liz recieved a hearfelt blessing and sending out during the Synod Eucharist service. They were also presented with a cheque as a farewell gift.

 "When we were thinking of a suitable gift for his farewell we were mindful of Philip's desire to receive nothing personal. However, we were determined to honour his much-loved ministry. Therefore, we invited parishes, schools and organisations to make donations to assist in work which has been close to Philip's heart for a long time, namely the work the NCCA has been doing in the area of modern slavery and human trafficking." Archbishop Freier said of the gifted funds.

Pictured below, Bishop Philip and Liz Huggins receive the gift cheque from Archbishop Philip Freier.

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We have reprinted the following prayer, which first appeared in the newsletter of the Venice-Milan Jesuit province in May 1973, for Bishop Philip on the occassion of his retirement.


Prayer of an Ageing Jesuit

Dearest Lord, teach me to grow gracefully.
Help me to see that my community does me no wrong
when gradually it takes from me my duties;
when it no longer seems to seek my views.

Rid me of my pride in all the “wisdom” I have learned.
Rid me of the illusion that I am indispensable.
Help me in this gradual detachment from earthly things
to grasp the meaning of your law of time.

Teach me, in this turnover of work and workers,
to discern a striking expression of life’s constant renewal
under the impulse of your providence.
And please, Lord, let me still be useful,
contributing to the world my optimism,
adding my prayers to the joyful fervor and courage
of those who now take their turn at the helm.

Let my lifestyle now become one of humble and serene
contact with the world in change,
shedding no tears for the past;
making of my human sufferings
a gift of reparation to all.

Let my leaving the field of action be simple and natural –
like a glowing, cheerful sunset.
Lord, forgive me if only now in my tranquillity
I begin to know how much you love me,
how much you’ve helped me.

And now, finally, may I have a clear, a deep understanding
of the joyful destiny you have prepared for me,
guiding my every step from the first day of my life.

Lord, teach me to grow old … just so.


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