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Our Churches - Coptic Orthodox Church

Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions

Golden Jubilee Gala 

Our Coptic brothers and sisters celebrated their golden jubilee at a formal dinner on Sunday 3 November 2019 in Maidstone, VIC. In attendance were Church leaders along with many of the faithful Coptic congregation. Bishop Philip Huggins was especially honoured to be invited to join in the celebration.

The occasion was held to mark the fifty years of the Coptic Church in Australia which began in 1969. From its humble beginnings of a handful of families to the outstanding services throughout two Dioceses. Each with many churches, schools, colleges, monasteries and hostels to tend its congregation.

In attendance was their Graces' Bishop Raphael of Downtown Cairo, Bishop Daniel of the Diocese of Sydney and Bishop Daniel Abbot of St Shenouda Monastery. 

 Fr Abanoub, right, is thanked for his wonderful facilitation of a beautiful 50 Year Celebration! Fr Abanoub, centre, enjoying the company of Rev Ian Smith, left, of the Victorian Council of Churches


Our prayers are with the Coptic Orthodox Church of Australia, may their ministry continue to grow and enrich. 

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