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Act for Peace

2019 - 70th anniversary of the Christmas Bowl 

Bringing water, life and light to South Sudan.

Jesus tells us that whoever follows him will have the light of life. Here on earth, we can shine his light by sharing the simple, miraculous blessings that sustain us all. Water is life. And through the Christmas Bowl, you can bring safe, life-giving water to many families in South Sudan.

Children need a safe water source to stay healthy, but also to stay in school. In South Sudan, many young children especially girls drop out of school because they have to spend hours every day collecting water from distant wells. And their families are struggling to eat, because there isn’t enough water for animals to thrive or crops to grow.  

Due to conflict and harsh weather, Sunday and her family were forced to drink dirty and polluted water. 

Image credit: Håvard Bjelland/Act for Peace

Through the Christmas Bowl, you can bring safe, life-giving water to many families like Sunday’s in South Sudan.

Sunday (pictured left) and her five children live in a harsh desert region of South Sudan, where there’s been little access to clean water. During the worst seasons of drought, they often had no choice but to drink polluted water. It broke her heart to see her children constantly sick.

“We were often ill; especially my kids were hit hard.”

Children need a safe water source to stay healthy, but also to stay in school. In South Sudan, many young children especially girls drop out of school because they have to spend hours every day collecting water from distant wells. Their families are struggling to eat, because there isn’t enough water for animals to thrive or crops to grow.

Arne works for Norwegian Church Aid, Act for Peace's local partner in South Sudan. In his 15 years, he has never seen such extreme water shortages. He says things will only worsen as drought tightens its grip.

“It's life and death. There are many, many thousands of people who need secure water. If they don’t get it, they won’t be able to keep living where they are.”

Can we bring light and life to such a desperate situation? Through the Christmas Bowl, we can.

With the help of your gifts, Norwegian Church Aid is bringing clean water, hygiene and sanitation, to drought-ravaged communities across South Sudan.

Sunday’s family is one of the many who have benefited. She says:

“Life is completely different after we got safe water. Many now live under very difficult conditions in this drought so we feel really lucky.”

Arne told us about another community, where your love has literally created an oasis. “People are so thankful and happy that their children are safe and they have safe water.”

Please give to the Christmas Bowl and share Christ’s light through water – the one basic thing that supports us all.


Over the past 70 years we have seen that real change is possible and we will continue to respond as the Church across Australia and commit to loving our neighbours around the world. 

Find out more www.actforpeace.org.au/christmasbowl  

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