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Churches Call for Medevac Legislation to Remain 


ACRT briefing notes and Media Statement 

Briefing notes produced by the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) aim to address the misinformation and confusion being peddled by sections of the media and politicians about the Australian Government’s official processes for refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia and those in offshore detention. The Taskforce also calls for medical transfer legislation to remain as it is saving lives.

As the resettlement of refugees is a widely discussed topic at present, it is timely that ACRT has stepped into the conversation to clear up the misinformation. In all the talk and hype, the human face of the issue has not been overlooked by ACRT,

The Churches’ paper puts the Medevac legislation in the context of a timeline of complex and confusing Government policy changes since 2012.

“We welcome the fact that the medical evacuation program is saving lives and reducing misery and we thank the members of Parliament who continue to support this important humanitarian initiative of the last Parliament. Refugees and people seeking asylum have a human face” says Rob Floyd, Chair of the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce and Associate General Secretary of the Uniting Church in Australia’s National Assembly. 

Bishop Philip Huggins, President of the National Council of Churches in Australia, comments  “The medical transfer program has saved lives. Mental health is the most significant issue.... It is the nature of detention to traumatise people".

Download the ACRT 7 November 2019 Media Release Addressing Misinformation as Churches Call for Medevac Legislation to Remain 

Download the Medevac Briefing Paper here

Visit the ACRT website to find out more. 

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