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Invitation to Prayer

PTW logox150


Let us pray for the victims, their families, friends and people affected by the the bombings in Mogadishu on Saturday 14 October.

The twin car bomb attacks make this one of the most devastating terrorist attacks anywhere in the world for many years. The death toll from the bombing is more than 300, with over 500 injured. 

Somalia has been plagued with decades of conflict, leaving the country impoverished. The attack on Saturday has created a huge set back for the country.

The attack took place in the most populated area of Mogadishu and the victims are reprotedly all civilians; mothers, fathers and children. The result is a population seething with anger and hatred and the city has been the site of violent protests. 

Coptic Church in Egypt

Let us pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in Egypt facing increased violence and persecution.

Christians make up about 10 percent of the 94 million people in Egypt. Attacks on Christians have increased in recent months, with a series of suicide bombings claimed by the Islamic State group killing more than 100 since December.

The most recent attack reported occured last Thursay 12 Ocotober. Fr Samaan Shehataa, a coptic preist, was brutally stabbed to death on the streets of Cairo.


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