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September 2018 Issue 1


We have lost another Prime Minister. Again, this is a person of talent and commitment to the nation. Upon reflection, what are the spiritual lessons? 


Roundtable on Performance Appraisal Frameworks for Clergy and Church Workers (Recommendation 16.44)

31 October 2018 - St James Parish Hall, Sydney CBD 

We will look at current performance appraisal tools that incorporate recommendations of the Royal Commission relating to Child Safe Standard 5: that people working with children are suitable and supported and that supervision and people management have a child safety focus.

Our watchx150

Complete the survey to help Our Watch understand your needs

Do you work in or have an interest in the primary prevention of violence against women? If so, please consider responding to the Our Watch national survey.

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A Place to Call Home: Making a home for everyone in our land

The Statement is a response to the growing problem of homelessness in Australia and the Scriptural basis of this year’s Statement is Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke10:30–35).

The 2018–2019 Statement can now be ordered from the The Australian Catholic Social Justice Council (ACSJC).

SoC logox150Daily reflections for Season of Creation

The season takes us from 1 September through to the feast of St. Francis on 4 October. Christians of all denominations and locations are invited to participate in an ecumenical Season of Creation. 

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Climate Council 5th Birthday Panel

You are invited to a special evening to hear from the Climate Councillors and to discuss the future of climate action in Australia.

When: Wednesday 19th September 6:00 - 8:00PM 
Where: The Theatre, Australian National Maritime Museum, 2 Murray Street, Sydney, NSW 

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The Right to Peace- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70

This year's #peaceday celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

On 21 September each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world. See the Events and Prayers to help celebrate the day.


Knapsack for the Journey of Faith: Pilgrimage Bible Studies

World Council of Churches - Theological Study Group

You are invited to reflect on the diverse stories of these pilgrimages in the Bible and connect the dialogue between biblical contexts and contemporary contexts.

Jonah 4: 1-11 “Invitation to tolerance and compassion", by Magali do Nascimento Cunha


Concerned Australians express support

An open letter was delivered to the Prime Minister on 4 September 2018 urging Parliamentarians to work collaboratively to see the Modern Slavery Bill through to enactment in 2018. 

Help support the men on Manus Island



We need $64,000 by 19 September

Australia's 'Regional Processing' of Asylum Seekers has left hundreds of men on Manus Island living in indefinite limbo.

Introducing Emily Evans


Emily Evans has just recently begun working with the NCCA as a Project Officer. Her role will see her based in Melbourne providing administrative, research and implementation support to the Commissions, Networks and the overall work of the Council.

World Council of Churches

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WCC celebrates 70th Anniversary - Covenanting and Amsterdam 1948 

The 70th anniversary of the WCC in 2018 is an opportunity to mark the achievements of the past 70 years in working for Christian unity and action, and to look to the challenges ahead as a fellowship of churches responding to God’s call for unity, mission, justice and peace. 



Former CCA General Secretary Bishop John V Samuel Passes Away

Bishop John Victor Samuel is remembered for his ecumenical collegiality, personal warmth and friendship, as well as his numerous ecumenical contributions. 


Interfaith Response to Climate Emergency Conference
Radical Action at the Heart of Faith: work within Faith Communities to fight climate apathy
When: Wednesday 12 September 2018 10:15am
Where: Northcote Town Hall, 189 High Street, Northcote VIC

Conversation: DIY Spirituality
Spirituality means different things to different people.
When: Wednesday 12 September 2018 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Where: Trinity College, Old Warden's Lodge, 100 Royal Pde, Parkville VIC


1 World Day of Care for Creation
National Child Protection Week begins
9 Child Protection Sunday - Australian Catholic Church
10  World Suicide Prevention Day 
10 Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year
12 Al-Hijra - Islamic New Year


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