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Act for Peace

Help support the men on Manus Island



We need $64,000 by 19 September

Australia's 'Regional Processing' of Asylum Seekers has left hundreds of men on Manus Island living in indefinite limbo.
Together, with your support, we want to provide safe and welcoming spaces for the men to receive practical support and training to help prepare them for eventual resettlement.

AfP manus island We have been in discussion with our local partners on Manus Island and they are waiting to deliver this practical support and training to the men. This will provide opportunites so that they can heal from their trauma, find purpose again, and help better prepare for their own future.

Resources to do this are lacking so to get started we need to raise $64,000 by 19 September.

 We cannot delay our response. 

Please make a donation to Act for Peace here to show the men on Manus Island that we are standing with them and that we care. 

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

This initiative is a joint program across churches to support the men on Manus Island until third country re-settlement can be obtained.

Please feel free to pray with your congregation for these men have already suffered so much.  

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