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NCCA Assembly


NCCA Assembly Roundtable on Performance Appraisal Frameworks for Clergy and Church Workers (Recommendation 16.44)

31 October 2018 - St James Parish Hall, Sydney CBD 

We will look at current performance appraisal tools that incorporate recommendations of the Royal Commission relating to Child Safe Standard 5: that people working with children are suitable and supported and that supervision and people management have a child safety focus.

Rev Dr Geoff Broughton, Deputy Director of St Marks National Theological Centre, Rector of Paddington Anglican Church, Lecturer in Practical Theology, Charles Sturt University will present the Theological underpinning and reflection on management and oversight.

Discussions will centre around the challenges of implementing Recommendation 16.44 of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, that:

"Consistent with Child Safe Standard 5, each religious institution should ensure that all people in religious or pastoral ministry, including religious leaders, are subject to effective management and oversight and undertake annual performance appraisals".

The NCCA Assembly Roundtable will be discussing and sharing:

  • examples of what is working with clergy and church workers
  • experience of overcoming resistance to the fact that “I have a vocation and not a job”; 
  • how to implement a framework that emphasises it as an opportunity for learning, for spiritual growth, as discipleship.

Download the Roundtable Program here

Tickets can be booked online by clicking the image below. Your donation of $40 + 30c fee, to cover costs is greatly appreciated


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