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Message from the President

Bp PHx150Stop Still for Peace on UN Peace Day, September 21

We know peace is both a gift from Jesus and our responsibility, as we are called to be peace makers.

Peace as gift and task come together when we meditate and pray. Can we make a special effort on UN Peace Day, September 21, especially in the morning?  Can those in a position to open their Church or Chapel do so, letting us know what can be organised?

In resurrection faith, we need to give our community radiant hope.

Br Roger of Taize knew there is a springtime when we are “People of the Beatitudes”. With children, in our garden, we were appreciating spring-time blossoms today.

May that delight in nature be in perfect symmetry with our delight in one another, beyond the folly of alienation.

Says Jesus to us so clearly:

“Blessed are the peace- makers, they shall be called the children of God”. (Mt 5)

Let us all keep doing our best, in the grace of Jesus.

With a special intention on 21 September!

Prayers and love,


Bishop Philip Huggins

NCCA President 

  1. To access resources visit the Stop Still For Peace Website
  2. View the 'Stop for Peace"  Video mp4 on Google Drive
  3. Bishop Philip Huggins' Media Release: Call for Prayer around Australia in Churches for UN International Day of Peace, Saturday 21 September.
  4. Reminder of the 'Stop for Peace' event at St Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne on Saturday 21 September 2019.
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