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Anti Poverty Week 2019

13 - 19 October 2019

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Poverty exists. Poverty hurts us all. We can all do something about it.

Anti-Poverty Week supports the Australian community to have an increased understanding of poverty and to take action to collectively end it.

During Anti-Poverty Week, you can help fight poverty and hardship.

Learn how you can take action in 2019, visit the new website www.antipovertyweek.com.au 

More than 90% of us agree, that “In Australia, no one should go without basic essentials like food, healthcare, transport and power.”  Yet 1 in 6 Australian children are living in poverty and too many of their mothers are skipping meals to give them enough.

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Host an activity, find ideas for activities or search for an activity near you.

Visit the Anti Poverty Week website for more information - www.antipovertyweek.com.au 

Visit the Anti-Poverty Week website  or hit the button below for more information on how to get started!

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