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Prayers for the Pandemic


Bishop Philip Huggins provides an update on September 26-27 and the NCCA call for Prayer and Fasting.  

Please read the update below: 

In recent Tuesdays, a number of us have been gathering by Zoom to pray for healing.

The context has been our preparations for September 26-27 , as our last NCCA Newsletter conveyed. 

Prompted by the Holy Spirit, our Indigenous Christian leaders have been asked to lead these prayers on September 26-27.

So, in anticipation, they are leading our prayers each Tuesday now at 4 pm.

Numbers are growing, as is the depth of matters being shared. That includes wonderful dreams and visions which have been given to our Indigenous Christian leaders.

There is a shared awareness that our God is giving us in Australia a high responsibility for which we need to prepare well.

There is also no doubt that much healing is needed in our land. Healing from the pandemic and its consequences; healing  within Indigenous communities; healing between Indigenous and Non- Indigenous communities; healing of many individuals who carry soul-wounds from times past.

These Tuesday’s and what we are calling a National Solemn Assembly on September 26-27 are about prayer in the healing power of our Risen Lord Jesus.

In our diverse ecumenical community, people have different ways of expressing deep matters  but the essence here is the same.

Details of the Zoom address and other details are available. Please especially encourage Indigenous Christian Elders to join in. The healing of our land needs their prayerful leadership.

The next time of Prayer and Reflection is Tuesday 8 September, 4 pm.

Grace and peace in Jesus,



More information: read the August 2020 article  NCCA call for further Prayer and Fasting



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