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Thursday, 26 August 2021 10:55

Christians United for Afghanistan

26 August 2021

Today, we are asking your organisation to join Christians across Australia and sign the Christians United for Afghanistan Call.  

This a practical way that you and your Church, as well as your individual church members, can take action to support the vulnerable in Afghanistan. We believe this is a moment that calls for solidarity by the Australian Church as one.  

As the crisis unfolds, Christians from across the Church, alongside a wider public movement, are being moved to speak boldly to our national government leaders to provide urgent action for the well being of Afghan refugees.  

The call is simple: 

We, the Australian Church, are calling on the Federal Government to welcome a special intake of an additional 20,000 Afghan refugees, and support the ongoing well-being of all Afghan refugees and their families.  

Sign the urgent call

This is a loud and urgent call from Christians across all walks of life and perspectives, united in concern for the well-being of the Afghan community.  

We ask that you take the simple step to sign up your [Church/organisation] to this call today, and show solidarity for this important issue. 

It is our hope that as we unite as the Church, and show our government that we believe we are called to reach out and care for the vulnerable, that they will respond with a just and compassionate commitment to help the most vulnerable Afghan refugees.

If you as National Church Leader and CEOs of your national church entities would like to add your support with a ‘headshot’ photo and quote to the call of Christians United for Afghanistan, please contact me for a Google template. 

Together we can make a difference as the Australian Church.


Prayers for Afghanistan and its people

Visit our prayer page 


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