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Wednesday, 04 December 2019 13:02

Our Melbourne office is moving

NCCA Safe Church Program, Act for Peace and partners

The NCCA Safe Church Program staff are happy to announce their move to a permanent Melbourne address, from late January 2020 

New office:
Level 6, 608 St Kilda Road, Melbourne VIC.
The Safe Church Program's office will be closed from Christmas through New Year until Monday 13 January 2020. Please expect delays with emails and phone messages during this time.

Wednesday, 04 December 2019 12:56

ICAN update

ican logo

ICAN has good news and we want to share it with you

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons just reached 80 signatories, with 33 states parties! The newest signatory is Nauru, one of our closest neighbours in the Pacific. The treaty will enter into force after it acquires 50 states parties. 

Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:48

NCCA Annual Review 2018-2019

At the Annual General Meeting on 30 October 2019, The Interim General Secretary, Ms Liz Stone, presented an Annual Review for 2018-2019 relating to the activities and programs of the National Council of Churches in Australia.


Wednesday, 20 November 2019 16:06

Advent Resources 2019

Hope, Love, Joy and Peace

As we prepare for the Feast of the Nativity and all our Christmas celebrations, we offer you some reflections and resources from our members and their networks.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019 15:29

Climate Goals seminar - Canberra

Transitioning to net zero emissions: What can we learn from the Swedish model?

The ANU Climate Change Institute and the Embassy of Sweden are hosts of this seminar presented by Prof Sverker Sörlin, Professor of Environmental History at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, and co-founder of the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory

When: Wednesday 4 December 2019, 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Where: Finkel Theatre, John Curtin School of Medical Research, 131 Garran Road Canberra, ACT 

Wednesday, 06 November 2019 17:13

Christmas Bowl film night - South Australia

Our Works - Act for Peace

Help raise funds for the Christmas Bowl

Rev Dr Martin Luther King: The Story of Dr King's campaign to secure voting rights via the historic Selma to Montgomery march 1965.

When: Monday 2 December 2019, 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm start

Where: Gawler Cinema 

Friday, 27 September 2019 17:11

Tribute Concert - Sydney

Komitas - on the 150th anniversary of his birthArmenianx150

Armenian priest, composer, ethnomusicologist, choral conductor and teacher.

Featuring the Armenian String Quartet from Armenia.

When: Friday 18 October, 2019 
Where: The Concourse, Concert Hall, Victoria Avenue, Chatswood NSW

Friday, 27 September 2019 15:31

World Mental Health Day

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10 OCTOBER 2018 


See beyond the stigma and make mental health more visible by making a #MentalHealthPromise.

At home, at work, with family and friends, or in the wider community, we can all do something to help reduce stigma around mental illness and make way for more people to seek the help and support.

Friday, 13 September 2019 16:06

Ecumenical News - South Australia

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South Australian Council of Churches is moving

New office:
Unit 1, 76-80 Sturt Street Adelaide SA
The office will be closed until Thursday 3 October. Please expect delays with Emails and phone messages during this time.

Thursday, 05 September 2019 23:21

Legislative Reforms on Religious Freedom

Aust.x150Submissions Invited - close on 2 October 2019

The Australian Government invites submissions on a package of legislative reforms on religious freedom. These are the:

  • Religious Discrimination Bill 2019
  • Religious Discrimination (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2019
  • Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Freedom of Religion) Bill 2019.
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