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Wednesday, 20 June 2018 15:20

NCCA Assembly Roundtable July 2018

NCCA Logox150

Professional Supervision for clergy and church workers (Royal Commission Recommendation 16.45)

Child Safe Standard 5. People working with children are suitable and supported 

d. Supervision and people management have a child safety focus

When: Wednesday 18 July 10am – 3pm 

Where: St James Hall, Level 1, 169-171 Phillip Street, Sydney CBD

Wednesday, 20 June 2018 14:58

Curbing Modern Slavery

ACRATH – campaign against human trafficking

Podcast interview makes thoughtful listening

Christine Carolan, the national executive officer Australian Catholic Religious against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) talks about her work in a thought-provoking interview. 

Thursday, 07 June 2018 09:28


Our Works - EAPPI

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programe in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) is a program coordinated by the World Council of Churches that brings international volunteers to the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Volunteers come for 3 months placements as Ecumenical Accompaniers.

Become an Ecumenical Accompanier (EA) today!

Applications are now open.

Thursday, 07 June 2018 09:27

Ecumenical News

World Council of Churches 

WCC s2

Global Day of Prayer to End Famine 10 June 2018

The WCC, World Evangelical Alliance and All Africa Conference of Churches, and a coalition of other partners call us to join the Global Day of Prayer to End Famine.

Pope Francis to visit the WCC

The Papal Ecumenical Pilgrimage to the World Council of Churches will take place in Geneva on 21 June 2018.



Date: Thursday 5 July 10am-3.30pm
Venue: St James Hall, Level 1, 169-171 Phillip Street, Sydney CBD

The formation of young leaders is critical to the future of our churches. What does best practice look like in developing a leadership pipeline? Can we establish a learning community of those involved in youth formation / leadership initiatives?

Friday, 18 May 2018 12:13

Ecumenical News

World Council of Churches 

WCC s2

5-8 May - Forum on modern slavery produces declaration to heal brokeness caused by modern slavery.

With the title “Old Problems in the New World,” this forum  was co-sponsored by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Buenos Aires and South America, and the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute based in Berkeley, California, USA.


Date: Thursday 5 July 10am-3.30pm
Venue: St James Hall, Level 1, 169-171 Phillip Street, Sydney CBD

The formation of young leaders is critical to the future of our churches. What does best practice look like in developing a leadership pipeline? Can we establish a learning community of those involved in youth formation / leadership initiatives?

Wednesday, 09 May 2018 13:14

NCCA Assembly Roundtables 2018

NCCA Logox150

Professional Supervision for clergy and church workers (Royal Commission Recommendation 16.45)

Wednesday 18 July 10am – 3pm Sydney CBD

Performance Appraisal Frameworks for clergy and church workers

Wednesday 31 October 10am – 3pm Sydney CBD

Wednesday, 25 April 2018 14:59

Ecumenical News

World Council of Churches 

WCC s2

16 April Media Release - WCC call for immediate ceasefire in Syria
WCC urges community to find a way to break the cycle of violence

Reminder Job Vacancies - Applications close Monday 30 April 2018.

1. Director of Commission on World Mission and Evangelism 

2. Programme Executive for Spiritual Life and Faith and Order

Friday, 20 April 2018 13:05

About the Justice Network

The NCCA Justice Network

The Justice Network comprises representatives from the NCCA member churches who work within their own church raising matters of social justice. The Network meets in Sydney although members from other states join the conversation by telephone.

Justice Network Terms of Reference


2017 JN Resource

What do the Churches say about...


What do the Churchesx350

The NCCA Justice Network has chosen the topic of “PEACEMAKING” for the first edition of their 'What do the Churches say about' series. 


find the document under our SJN Resoures tab on the menu bar along with previous years' Social Justice Sunday resources.




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