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NCCA Newsletters

NCCA Newsletters (2192)

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Submission to the AHRC on Women in Immigration Detention

The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) made a submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on 21 February 2024, looking into the experiences of women in immigration detention facilities, and the subsequent issues women faced when they were in community detention. 

AfPx150Global Refugee Forum 2023

In December, Act for Peace was privileged to be part of the Global Refugee Forum, where they worked to promote refugee leadership, facilitated important discussions, and secured pledges, including significant pledges from global law firms to provide free legal aid for refugees. 

vatican logox150

The Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue 

"Message for the month of Ramadan and 'Id Al-Fitr 

Christians and Muslims: Extinguish the Fire of War and Light the Candle of Peace

Glenburnie LogoThe Glenburnie Program sponsorship

Last year the NCCA's Glenburnie Program funded the Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network (PIEN) to arrange a speaking tour of Australia with author, Mercy Aiken in April 2024.

Ms Aiken is co-author of the biography of Bishara Awad, a Palestinian Christian and founder of Bethlehem Bible College.

Tour dates announced: 7 – 21 April 2024  

Lutheran and Uniting colleges present Festival of Learning

Adelaide-based colleges, Australian Lutheran College (ALC) and the Uniting College for Leadership and Theology (University of Divinity) worked ecumenically to deliver programs on the 2024 theme ‘Challenging Boundaries: Life at the edges’.

Uniting Church in Australia and Pacific churches

Resources: 'Theology of Disaster Resilience in a changing climate'  

UnitingWorld, Uniting Church in Australia's humanitarian agency, and Pacific churches have worked ecumenically in the Pacific to produce these resources which aim to aid communities and churches in examining resilience, preparedness, and suffering during disasters from a biblical perspective.

WCC s2On the 2nd anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, World Council of Churches' General Secretary, Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, has made a statement calling for prayer "...for the restoration of our humanity and morality."

International Women's Day 2024

On International Women’s Day, 8 March 2024, the podcast Australian Women Preach will celebrate three years of production and three years of raising women’s voices in preaching the Gospel! 

At their National Conference on 15 November 2023, members of Australian Church Women Inc. (ACW) from across Australia voted to make donations to two NCCA projects: the Ronald Wilson Ecumenical Leadership Fund and Martung Upah Appeal.

The organisation formally began in February 1965 when a constitution was ratified at the annual meeting of the then Australian Council of Churches.

Project Worker - Anglicare Mental Health Services

Anglicare has recently commenced a project to work closely with the Tamil community in Sydney to identify, co-design and implement solutions addressing the mental health issues affecting the community.

The position is part-time and located in Parramatta, NSW

Applications close: Thursday 28 March 2024

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